





Sex workers are human beings…. from cam models to strippers to porn stars. It may not be your cup o’ tea (mmm, tea), but it doesn’t give you the right to disrespect or shame them. 

Reblogging this again because people think that just because someone is a sex worker, means that they are not intelligent, can’t have normal lives, and treat them like complete shit.

I love this! Especially because not all of them say they are doing it just to get somewhere else in life


Turn Off the Blue Light was created and funded by multi-millionaire male pimps. this is part of a pimp-run propaganda that is attempting to make prostitution appear safer, flexible, and better, thus allowing you to ignore that 90% of women in this industry want to leave, have experienced severe abuse, and raped repeatedly

It’s backed by convicted pimp Peter McCormick, who makes millions annually via prostitution websites, his son who was convicted of running brothels, convicted pimp TJ Carroll, who used voodoo rituals to terrify trafficked African women, and convicted pimp Tony Linnane who was connected with an incident where a woman was “threatened with being burned alive after gasoline was thrown on her.” Mihai Selaru, who humiliated a woman he pimped by starving her and forcing her to lick his shoes, was also connected.

Mr Wells: I have one final question.  Are you aware of an alternative campaign called the Turn Off The Blue Light campaign?  If so, have you any idea of who is actually behind it?

Mr J O’Connor: We are aware of the existence of its website.  Apart from that, we are not aware of an awful lot else.

Mr Wells: You have no evidence, for instance, that that campaign is linked to or controlled by those who are involved in the sex trade?

Ms M O’Connor: The very simple answer is yes, without libelling oneself.  I think that there are very clear links with the sex trade and with a very well known pimp and organiser.  So, yes is the simple answer.  Are there genuine concerns from other organisations?  Yes.  Does the Turn Off The Blue Light campaign represent them?  No.

Mr Wells: We have privileges in this Committee, and I believe that Mr Peter McCormick is the person in charge of Turn Off The Blue Light campaign.  Are you in a position to confirm that?

Ms M O’Connor: Yes.

this is who and what 300,000 of you are supporting. you are uncritically reblogging and sharing propaganda started by abusive multi-millionaire criminals (pimps) who are behind the rape, murder, and oppression of many women.  who have directly and indirectly abused so many women. 

stop supporting misogynists, rapists, and abusers.

Hey if they’re going to start “redistributing sex equally” they have to convince more people to be hookers first.