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As a disabled Catholic I’m going to seriously ask you all to never, ever, ever say something like “you just need to pray more” to a disabled person. I get told this by well meaning old ladies in church all the time and it hurts because in saying it they’re implying (or sometimes outright say depending on how blunt they are) if I really loved God and I prayed hard enough He would heal me. It doesn’t work like that, as much as I sometimes wish it would.
God has a plan for our suffering, whether it be physical like mine or mental like someone suffering from depression or situational like losing a child and we need to trust Him and His plan through the pain and through the suffering even if we don’t understand it. Sometimes that plan is for healing here on this Earth, that He may be glorified through our healing, sometimes it isn’t though. The person who receives healing isn’t better or more holy than the one who continues to suffer here on this Earth it’s just the plan God has for them is different that the one God has for someone else.
Disability isn’t a sign of someone not loving God enough to be healed and we shouldn’t tell people that it is, directly or indirectly.
As someone with both physical and mental disabilities – Amen.
Many days I view my disabilities as unique pathways God chose for me to be sanctified, to offer up for the souls of others, and to unite myself to Christ’s suffering. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t days where I am overwhelmed by pain or feel hopeless, and those are the days where I reach out to others most. There is nothing more hurtful than being made to feel that it is your fault for not being “holy enough.”
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