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easy autumn recipes
- butterbeer
- caramel apple hocus latte
- chai, cider and caramel fall drink
- dates hot chocolate
- deluxe hot chocolate with marshmallows
- homemade hot chocolate
- hot apple pie punch
- lemon and ginger tea
- moroccan style white hot chocolate
- mulled apple juice
- mulled tea
- pumpkin juice
- pumpkin nutella hot chocolate
- pumpkin spice latte
- apple and cinnamon loaf cake
- apple crumble cake
- apple hand pies
- apple and honey challah
- apple pancakes
- apple turnovers
- autumn cheesecake
- butterbeer cupcakes
- caramel apple bars
- carrot cake balls
- carrot and sultana cake with creamy orange frosting
- chewy oat cookies
- chocolate pistachio fudge
- cinnamon roll pancakes
- date and walnut cake
- honey cake
- maple sugar pie
- mini apple and almond cakes
- mushroom meringues
- patterned pumpkin swiss roll
- perfect apple pie
- pryaniki
- pumpkin spice cupcakes
- pumpkin spice muffins with cream cheese filling
- pumpkin spice scones
- soft pumpkin cookies with cream cheese frosting
- toffee apple muffins
- vanilla and nutmeg baked rice pudding
- aubergine and mozzarella bake
- beef cheek and butternut squash broth in sourdough bread bowls
- butternut squash curry with cauliflower rice
- chicken, leek, and mushroom pies
- coddle with pearl barley
- irish stew
- kiki’s delivery service fish pie
- lamb casserole with aubergine
- leg of lamb m’hammar
- mushroom omelette
- one pot creamy mushroom pasta
- pumpkin risotto
- sausage and bean casserole
- sicilian pasta with tomatoes, garlic, and almonds
- spicy root and lentil casserole
- stuffed eggplants
- vegetable pizza
- veggie pot pie
dips, preserves and sauces
- apple and blackberry jam
- apple sauce
- aubergine hummus
- bessara
- blueberry butter
- country apple sauce
- date jam
- jumbo chilli sauce
- plum jam
- borlotti bean, tomato, and spinach soup
- chicken and barley stew
- chicken and brown rice soup
- chicken soup
- chicken wild rice soup
- curried carrot soup
- garlic broth
- good vegetable soup
- harira
- hearty irish veg soup
- hearty white bean soup
- lentil, chickpea, and paprika soup
- minestrone in minutes
- pumpkin soup
- potato leek soup
- speedy seafood supper
- stuffed pepper soup
- sweet potato soup
starters, sides, etc
- butternut squash, sage, and crème fraîche mash
- champ
- chinese dumplings with mushrooms and butternut squash
- creole aubergines
- colcannon
- mhencha with spicy ground beef (you can get the kiri cheese from any middle-eastern run store).
- moroccan potato salad
- mushroom hand pies
- naan bread
- polish mushroom pasties
- sweet potato wedges
- tuna and beans
- vegetable cigars
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