fun fact 1 – jellyfish have roamed the earth for 500 – 600 million years, making them the oldest multi-organ animal
fun fact 2 – jellyfish do not have brains, blood, bones, nor heart! however they do have a nervous system with receptors that detect light, vibrations, and chemicals in the water
fun fact 3 -the largest known jellyfish is called the lions mane jellyfish!! its also known as the hair jelly or the giant jellyfish
fun fact 4 – there is a type of jellyfish that is immortal! its called the Turritopsis dohrnii (or just the immortal jellyfish) and they are the only known animal that is biologically immortal
fun fact 5 – the Australian box jellyfish is considered to be the most venomous marine animal on earth. its stings can cause paralysis, cardiac arrest, and death within minutes
fun fact 6 – jellyfish can clone themselves ! they can also regenerate themselves when cut in half, creating two separate jellyfish
fun fact 7- in 1991, NASA sent a bunch if jellyfish to space to study how microgravity would affect them
fun fact 8 – the smallest breed of jellyfish is the Irukandji jellyfish, but despite their size, they are still very dangerous. as they are the species of box jellyfish
fun fact 9 – A GROUP OF JELLYFISH IS CALLED A SMACK. but also occasionally called a “bloom” 🙂
fun fact 10 -jellyfish are between 85% – 98% water so when the water evaporates, they almost appear as they have disappeared
those are all my facts for today !! remember that you are cool and that jellyfish are cool as well B)
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