( No Title )
^^^this is what the start of the ad looks like
if anyone could rb with a photo ID thatd be great
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A series of screenshots from both Twitter and youtube, all warning for a jump scare advertisement.
The first screenshot shows two tweets from twitter user @ milkblocks time stamped for 11 October 2020 at 10:13. The tweets, together, read:
Apparently youtube has another jumpscare ad!!! Wow exciting! /sit starts of with an image of a woman like a couple feet away from the camera, looking at the direction of the camera. It stays like that for two seconds and then the jump scare happens. it’s not skippable-
If you’re sensitive to jump scare/horror imagery please be careful or get adblock.”
The next screenshot is taken from the youtube ad. It shows a woman a few feet away from the camera bathed in purple and blue light. There is a crowd mingling behind her. There is a spotlight above and behind her head, a single white spot near the top of the frame. She is staring in the direction of the camera.
The final screenshot is taken of a tweet from user @ schlatt_2020 , tweeting in reply to twitter user @ milkblocks . The tweet has no timestamp, and reads as follows:
!!!! THERE IS A WAY YOU CAN SKIP IT!!! Pause the ad and click the information icon, And click stop seeing this ad. When it asks why, say it’s insensitive. The ad will immediately disappear and put you right back on your video.“
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