Saying you don’t see color robs groups of their identity, experience, plight, beauty, and strength. Saying you’re color blind means you can’t address racism in all its tentacled infrastructure — because you can’t address what you aren’t willing to see.
most people killed by police are white. tony timpa was killed in same manner as george floyd and the cops got off and literally nobody cared. The “pattern” OP is referring to is a fake one.
race was made up by slavers to justify slavery perpetuating the ideology of the plantation can do no good
“when you don’t see color you can’t see patterns”
as Glenn Loury says: YOU DON’T WANT TO GO THERE
you really really don’t
Besides that, being Colour Blind doesn’t mean you don’t recognize trends, statistics and so on, it means you refuse to judge someone based on the colour of their skin despite the aforementioned trends, statistics and so on, for example, just because Black people commit over 50% of violent crime despite being 13% of the population doesn’t mean I’m going to treat every Black person I see with suspicion or as a criminal, colour blindness doesn’t mean you don’t see race, it means you don’t judge based on race.
Even with the deliberate misunderstanding, they still had to lie. Here’s what the image looks like in grayscale;
Notice how the differences in value are still clearly visible.
Remember when “being colorblind” was just called “not being racist”? And now we’re supposed to make assumptions about people by race.
Flat out, Colorblind means “I don’t see your skin as a judgement tool, I do see the shit you go through like any other human being.”
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