not to be like “millennials vs Gen z” ageism but I don’t think it’s possible for a human child to develop normally without having even played leaf stick and rocks? Never made a mud pie or carved sticks into walking staves? Never played with a June bug in a mystery stream all afternoon, or pulled out the hose to make the mud clay softer to build with?
Something has to be weird about the first generation of kids to have almost 100% tactile outdoors play replaced by almost exclusively 15 second meme videos. And that’s not even to say anything about the total disappearance of the middle grade chapter book genre.
of course I had my desktop PC and nintendo and a TV and cell phone but it was impossible to ONLY do that for day. I also had a ton of art supplies, science kits, toys, a bike, a violin, a backyard with a swimming pool, and a library to occupy the entire rest of the day, but it seems like kids just…. don’t like any of that anymore. and the ways that kid tech is used is entirely devoid of creativity and coding.
i feel like the bar is so low that i could raise a child to be an olympic athlete in 15 years just by setting them out in the sun for a few hours each day and giving them a slinky and a slingshot instead of an ipad
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