Pretending like Bill Nye is science man is sport in the media. I don’t care about Bill Nye’s reaction to the Webb images. His reaction is as newsworthy and qualified as yours or mine is.
Can they please get a real scientist to do this kind of thing and not some failed comedian.
Might I suggest
Infinitely cooler and more qualified than Bill Nye
If you’re going to go with someone well known for their scientific knowledge, this is one insurance where Neil deGrasse Tyson actually would make sense considering he’s also an astrophysicist. Not as cool as Brian May, but of the well known stuck up pop science dudes, NdT makes so much more sense than Bill Nye.
Michio Kaku or gtfo.
Above, ‘cos I’ve read his books, and ‘cos he doesn’t have any obnoxious politics. (”Above” meant” Kaku, but I guess if May wrote books as well as making music, it could refer to him, too.)
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