The more posts I see like this, the more I understand why sjws (for lack of a better term) distrust cis straight people.
A critique of the exhibitionist and shameful behavior, rhetoric and ideology of the LGBTQIA+ movement makes you distrust regular people?
You define regular people as cis and straight?
“Exhibitionist and shameful”
You define walking around in public with bandage gear and sex toys as gay and trans?
Its fetish gear thats more obvious than a suit worn for sexual reasons, and only slightly more obvious than a cheerleading outfit.
Though arguably its less damaging than people drinking alcohol in front of kids, as phallic shaped objects have been sold and worshipped for millenia without causing anyone harm. While drinking alcohol has led to the deaths of untold thousands through alcohol poisoning and traffic accidents.
That is the most pedophilic thing I have ever heard on this website, nearly as bad as Dasha claiming preschoolers can be trans and that Chicago Sun-Times columnist who said “Guns harm children more than child pornography, so let’s restrict them.”
Preschoolers can absolutely be trans, because it’s a goddamn neurological condition you’re born with
Nowhere did I say preschoolers should medically transition
But nice job putting words in my mouth
Also, like, growing up in Russia I was surrounded by naked men and women because we went to the sauna all the time. That’s normal in a lot of places.
I don’t like drag queens and gays in fetish gear myself, but Jesus fuck, no, Stephen Fry and Harry Partridge did not win us gay rights, it was freaks in fetish gear banding together and rioting in the streets after they’ve had enough of being bashed and at that point you just can’t argue with results.
Kids cannot be trans, but sure, keep saying the cat’s vegan, groomer.
That’s like saying kids can’t be black
I knew I was trans when I was five
I didn’t even have a word for it until I was 11 and I was deep in denial until 19
But sure, we just appear as fully-formed adults out of aether, okay
Sure ya did, many Trans people claim that, and it has been used by organizations like the mermaids charity in the UK to transition autistic girls.
No, we don’t appear as fully formed adults, however, while kids can have symptoms of dysphoria, most grow out of it after successfully going through puberty, that doesn’t make those kids trans as being trans requires one to transition.
Kids who have dysphoria should receive counseling and therapy, not what the west is currently doing.
I feel like you don’t think autistic people have agency.
I absolutely do not support mermaids, but autistic people absolutely can decide to themselves whether they transition or not.
Being trans requires dysphoria. Transitioning is not something a lot of people can even afford.
There is no epidemic of kids transitioning any more than there is a school shooting epidemic. It’s all inflated media hysteria. You should know how media works.
Children cannot decide themselves, holy shit, you legitimately believe this?
I have no words, enjoy living in your delusions mate.
I don’t think you’re reading anything I’m saying
This is pointless, I’m going to sleep
This person has badly misconstrued “children can be unknowingly peer pressured into believing they are something they aren’t due to ignorance on the part of multiple parties” into “children cannot be this label at all” and i find that kind of sad.
Fun fact! There are lots of trans kids because every trans person who has ever existed was, in fact, once a child. A child with the same medical condition they have as an adult
Die mad about it.
Fun Fact: Those children who you’ve labeled as Trans have Dysphoria, a mental illness, roughly 90% can naturally mature out of it if left alone to mature naturally as puberty will correct the chemical and hormonal imbalances, if they are made to “Transition,” which is child abuse, they won’t grow out of it naturally, and they will join a growing demographic of permanently altered children more prone to suicide than soldiers in every war, or Jews in concentration camps.
Children cannot be trans, they can have the mental illness known as Gender Dysphoria, but to be Trans means one must Transition, and as I’ve already stated, doing so to a child who cannot make their own informed decisions and cannot consent, is child abuse, even with the go ahead of a parent or guardian.
There are those who believe that they were meant to be born with no eyes or missing a limb, do we aide them? Do we allow them to Transition? And don’t say this is a false equivalence, the only difference is you have the backing of big pharma, who makes billions off of you.
There’s so much shit going on in this reply, it’s kinda embarrassing.
Let’s assume gender dysphoria is a mental illness. People don’t “grow out” of mental illness. Be it PTSD, OCD, eating disorders, clinical depression, clinical anxiety, all you can do is treating it. Some treatments are more effective on some individuals, some barely have any impact at all. You don’t ever “grow out” of any of them, and in best case scenario, you can deal with it enough for it to minimally affecting your life, but there will always be a risk of relapse.
But gender dysphoria is not a mental illness, it’s neurologic, and is way more comparable with neurological disorders such as ASD, AD(H)D, Developmental language disorder, Dyslexia and so on. And guess what? You don’t grow out of neurological disorders either. Heck, you can’t grow out of being left handed, and that’s not even an illness or disorder.
The way you talk sound borderline conversion therapy. And if “everyone grows out of it during puberty”, then you have no idea what the clinical definition of dysphoria mean, and shouldn’t even be participating in the conversation. It’s normal to experience discomfort in your own skin before puberty kicks in and it’s normal for it to linger throughout and sometimes years after. But that’s not what dysphoria is, and you might as well be saying that Avoidant eating disorder is the same as being a picky eater and you’ll just mature out of it.
The next thing is “you aren’t trans until you transition” is like saying you don’t have ASD until you start behavioural treatment to pass like a normal person, which doesn’t need to be explained why that’s a fucked up way of looking at it.
“There are those who believe they were meant to be born missing a limb, do we aide them?” This is also a neurological disorder called Body integrity disorder, and the reason why this is a thing is because the brain does not recognise a certain part as it’s own body. It’s quite literally the opposite of experiencing phantom limbs after amputations, and BID can in many ways be comparable with gender dysphoria, as both brains rejects certain body parts and experience severe distress by it’s presence. While BID is extremely rare, it’s a proven fact that the removal of these brain-rejected limbs drastically improves the mental well-being and quality life of a patient like that. So to answer the question, yes, we should absolutely aide those we are absolutely certain they will thrive mentally if undergone surgery.
Yes, Dysphoria is a neurological disorder, sue me for using the colloquially accepted term, Mental Illness, Neurological disorders are medically defined as disorders that affect the brain as well as the nerves found throughout the human body and the spinal cord. Structural, biochemical or electrical abnormalities in the brain, spinal cord or other nerves can result in a range of symptoms.
Mental illnesses are characterized by alterations in thinking, mood or behaviour associated with significant distress and impaired functioning, which are most often brought on through Neurological Disorders.
I’d personally say someone viewing themselves as the opposite sex of what they are has a mental illness as they are experiencing alterations in thinking, mood and behavior which is then associated with significant distress, but what do I know, I just understand the definitions of words.
Anyways, here’s the following;
Many studies have been conducted looking at whether gender dysphoria persists throughout childhood. On average 80-90% of children change their minds and do not continue into adulthood and do not transition.
In this Dutch study they identified 127 children who were referred to the Gender Identity clinic in Amsterdam when they were under the age of 12. They then looked to see if these children were still gender dysphoric by the time they reached adolescence at age 15. 47 (37%) of these children had persisted. However 80 (64%) of children had either desisted (52) or were no longer traceable (28).
It is well known that the on-set of puberty is an extremely important time for the brains of people to form and develop into what they’ll be when they reach the age of 25. No long term studies have been conducted on Puberty blockers as of yet, however, blocking one of the most vital developmental stages of a human’s life will be rife with negative, irreversible consequences, puberty isn’t a process that can be kick started once you’ve stopped it, if you miss the window you miss the window, making it an irreversible choice that many who later detransition regret.
Almost all children who start puberty blockers then go onto cross-sex hormones which suggests that desistance after medication begins is very rare, in case you aren’t getting it, if you allow kids to progress through puberty naturally, most grow out of their dysphoria.
“Of the 139 participants, 17 (12.2%) were classified as persisters and the remaining 122 (87.8%) were classified as desisters.”
In conclusion, most children grow out of their gender dysphoria as they reach adolescence. Social transitions and/or puberty blockers are frequently used to ameliorate symptoms in these children, though they may make them worse in my opinion. However, the psychological impact of these therapeutic strategies on children is evidently quite negative with the ever growing trans suicide statistic, in which data indicates that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide, with suicidality highest among transgender youth.
In 2014, a new review of the scientific literature was done by Hayes, Inc., a research and consulting firm that evaluates the safety and health outcomes of medical technologies. Hayes found that the evidence on long-term results of sex reassignment was too sparse to support meaningful conclusions and gave these studies its lowest rating for quality:
Statistically significant improvements have not been consistently demonstrated by multiple studies for most outcomes. … Evidence regarding quality of life and function in male-to-female adults was very sparse. Evidence for less comprehensive measures of well-being in adult recipients of cross-sex hormone therapy was directly applicable to [gender dysphoric] patients but was sparse and/or conflicting. The study designs do not permit conclusions of causality and studies generally had weaknesses associated with study execution as well. There are potentially long-term safety risks associated with hormone therapy but none have been proven or conclusively ruled out.
The Obama administration came to similar conclusions. In 2016, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services revisited the question of whether sex reassignment surgery would have to be covered by Medicare plans. Despite receiving a request that its coverage be mandated, it refused, on the ground that we lack evidence that it benefits patients.
The results of the studies I’ve shared are tragic. And they directly contradict the popular media narratives, as well as many of the snapshot studies that do not track people over time. As the Obama Centers for Medicare and Medicaid have pointed out, “mortality from this patient population did not become apparent until after 10 years.”
So, you don’t understand what Trans means, to be a Transgender or Transexual, whatever term you want to use, you need to Transition, it’s in the name, Prefix “Trans” and then the next word, now, what is it Trans is short for? Oh nevermind, you lot never much cared for accurate definitions or the accurate use of definitions.
Holy shit, you actually advocate for these braincases to chop off their limbs, like shit, I can’t believe it, not only are you one of those Tumblr psychos who type in all one colour, you’re deranged.
Anyway, I’m done with this post now, you rabid freaks can keep jacking eachother off in the notes, I’ve said what needs to be said.
I find it fun that you’re the only one talking about children. The general consensus in this entire thread is to not let children go on a life altering medical treatment. You’re the one talking about “all children experience this” and all the links you showed are samples of people with or presumed GID, and not samples of a fully random set of people, with or without GID.
The term Trans is a shorthand for transsexual, and since transsexual is considered a heavily outdated term (especially considering the original implications of it), people have simply opted for “trans” because 1, that part makes sense for the Greek word means to cross (by your logic, I’m surprised you haven’t said “IF IT’S CALLED TRANS, WHY DON’T ALL TRANS’ WORK WITH TRANSPORTATION” or “WHY AREN’T TRANS’ TRANSPARENT, HMMM?????” or smth just as ludicrous) and 2, to partly reclaim a derogatory term. “Transition” is just a byproduct of the reclamation, to one extent a play with words, but the bottom line is that transitioning is a synonymous word treatment.
And yes. If doctors have taken all measures they can to assure if an extreme treatment would benefit or not as a last resort, plus making absolute sure the patient understands the risks, then I advocate for bodily autonomy, no matter what the underlying condition is. It’s not unheard of that people suffering with BIID take the matters in their own hands and attempt auto-amputation. People remove parts of themselves all the time. Gastric surgery to fight extreme obesity? Removing cancer affected body parts? Wisdom teeth? Plastic surgery? It’s up to everyone to decide for themselves, and nothing is risk free. What makes one thing more okay than the other?
Plus, typing in one colour has many benefits. I can’t change my avatar and I don’t feel like nuking my blog for that, and my pretty severe ADD makes easier for me to not lose track in posts like this one. Also, orange sparks joy. Something I feel you might be lacking in your life
Do you have no concept of linear context? Does anyone on this site understand that concept? The trans discussion began with me referencing the groomer known as “Dasha” as saying Preschoolers can be Trans.
Like shit man, why does every single leftist on here act as if no one can scroll up and see you’re lying about the context of the post?
They’re studying Gender Dysphoria, if you read the studies they have control groups along side the Dysphoric groups, it would make literally no sense to have a small percentage of kids with Dysphoria, the point is to use a large enough sample size to represent the population, not whittle it down so the numbers become irrelevant.
Like fuck man, have you ever read a study where they cross contaminate the groups by lumping them all together? You’d never get accurate statistics that way.
In the context of the conversation we know what Trans means, I even referenced “Transgender or Transexual,” which both require Transition to become, but clearly you’re too obtuse to understand how language works, especially since you think citing transport is a dunk, transportation comes from the Latin words Trans and Portare, means Across and Carry, or in modern vernacular, transportation transitions you from one location to another.
So I reiterate, to be Trans, one must Transition, you must go from one to the other, for if you do not you are not Trans, again this is language, the proper use of which is necessary to a functioning society.
Transition is not a byproduct of you morons “reclaiming” words, you credulous cur.
The amputations of body parts be they limbs or genitalia, for illnesses that can be treated with therapy and at most medical treatment, is beyond the pale, and the sheer fact you compare bodily mutilation to medically necessary procedures is just baffling, also, in context of the conversation, children cannot decide for themselves, and should not be allowed to fall into the Ideological cult that is the Trans Movement.
Maybe if you weren’t such a cesspit of a blog Staff wouldn’t have censored you, food for thought.
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