Song of Songs 8:5 // Liturgy for Homesickness (Douglas Kaine McKelvey) // The Warden and the Wolf King (Andrew Peterson) // Desdichado (Dorothy Sayers) // Colossians 3:1-4 // Adorning the Dark (Andrew Peterson) // The Green Ember (S.D. Smith) // Dandelion Fire (N.D. Wilson) // The Gods Return to Earth (C.S. Lewis) // Till We Have Faces (C.S. Lewis)
@thatfriendlyanon said in her tags a while back that “we really are each just quote quilts ourselves”. So today, a day where I don’t feel very much like myself, I decided to make a quote quilt to remind myself who I am and who I’m called to be. Feel free to do the same. All of these are from books I adore (either on my bookshelves or in my Kindle library) and it was so good for me to revisit them.
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