
small cultural & Colombia/Latin related details from Encanto 🇨🇴 (part 3)

alpargatas – the shoes that Mirabel and other women in Encanto wear

COLOMBIA (obvious one and not that small but I love it, also it’s in the colors of Colombian flag)

capibaras – animals native to Colombia

mochilas – bags that Mirabel and other villagers carry

Día de las velitas (Day of the Little Candles)

wax palms – the palms that grow in Encanto are national trees of Colombia (they are also the highest palms)

Agustín playing En Barranquilla Me Quedo

there is so much more cultural and Colombian details in Encanto but I am not able to show them all in gifs unfortunately

the flowers that grow on Isabela’s balcony are bugambilias – you can see them mostly in Cartagena de Indias. all of the flora and fauna showed in Encanto is typical for Colombia

all of the villagers (Madrigals also) are catholic – you can see the church and the priest – it’s an important part of our culture and traditions

there is a song called Colombia, Mi Encanto sung by Carlos Vives (I refuse to believe there can be Colombians who don’t know who he is)

so yeah that would be it

I think I won’t be doing more of this because it takes a lot of time and phone storage but I’m really grateful I was able to share those cultural facts about Encanto with more people

thank you for reading! <3