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Things that keep me awake at night
1 . Is Pepa really just Pepa or is she Josefa/Josefina?
2. If it’s the latter, why is she the only one of the triplets that Alma calls by nickname?
3. How the fuck are people constantly spelling Dolores wrong? I get non-spanish speaking people spelling it IsabeLLa or CamiLLo not knowing that a double L isn’t L in Spanish. I also understand AUgustin as I have to remind myself constantly that it’s in fact AgustÃn. But DElores????
4. Is Dolores’ room soundproof? Cause I sure hope so. But she said she could hear Luisa’s eye twitching all night sooo can the poor girl not get a moment of silence even in her own room?
5. Did Luisa always have such muscles due to her gift or was she like “Well, I’m hella strong. Might as well also look like I can move mountains” and just started to get buff purely cause she wanted to? Either way, absolute girlboss!
6. When is the last time Bruno had a shower and where?
7. Where did Felix learn all those sick dance moves?
8. Can Julieta only heal things that are temporary either way like allergy attacks and broken bones or could she potentially heal long term things like autoimmune diseases or bad eyesight?
9. Does Camilo get other people’s physical abilities when he shifts into them or is it just surface level?
10. What do the rooms of Camilo, Dolores, Julieta and Luisa look like?
11. Casita couldn’t help Mirabel with Bruno’s room. Does that mean the rooms, beside Mirabel’s that’s just the nursery, are out of Casita’s reach of power except during their creation?
12. How did Alma even figure out the ceremony process and when did the town folk decide that they’ll join in and basically make it a town holiday?
13. How did the Encanto survive pregnant and birth giving Pepa? 3 times…
14. Does/did anybody from outside the Encanto:
a. Know about it?
b. Ever try to cross those mountains and ended up in the town?
15. If the answer is that only people born in the Encanto live there, wouldn’t that inevitably lead to incest at some point?
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