
Sometimes Antonio rather talks to animals than to people, because they don’t expect anything from him and keep all of his secrets.

Sometimes Camilo transforms into other people when they’re alone, because it’s one of those days when others have prettier hair, faces, bodies and when they can’t stand themself.

Sometimes Dolores blasts her music so loud that it hurts her ears, because the air is whispering again and that last secret was just one too many.

Sometimes Mirabel hides in the walls and sits in the dark for hours, because Casita is always there for her and she has to disappear for just a little bit.

Sometimes Luisa lifts tables and wardrobes until her arms burn, because something has to keep her from thinking and she may or may not be losing control.

Sometimes Isabela dances through her room until she has to lie down, because it’s one of those days when she can’t afford to falter and doesn’t dare to look into the mirror, in fear of seeing something wrong.

Sometimes Bruno looks a few minutes into the future, because maybe he will feel better by then and focusing on right now is exhausting to say the least.

Sometimes Pepa lets it rain on her head the whole day, because feeling cold and wet all alone is better than failing to fake sunshine and having other people suffer from her mood swings.

Sometimes Julieta eats all of the food she makes herself, because she feels like she’s allowed to be selfish and maybe, one day, it will cure dark days.