so I don’t even live in ottawa but the shit is fucking bonkers. like it’s absurd.
the horrific event that is the protest convoy aside, the thing that boggles me is that no one in charge is doing anything. ppl of ottawa, of canada, are literally being chased off their own streets and everyone from the police chief to the fucking premier is like ‘well shit if we can do anything 🤷♂️’
as ppl get chased down, as businesses get destroyed, as honking keeps everyone up and fries their nerves, as ppl get harassed, they try to go to the police chief to do something – and he literally won’t do jack. the most he can be asked to do is give out traffic tickets that’re just going to get thrown away & draw up some hotline, but when it comes to actually moving these assholes along, oh no, they can’t do that. they’re funded and trained police force apparently isn’t up to the task and the protesters apparently have so much power, that this has become ‘bigger then a police issue’ or something akin. his hands are tied, don’t you know.
alright, so the chief won’t do anything. what about the mayor? oh, no, mayor won’t do anything either, agrees this situation is too volitale to do anything. what about the premier then? nope, nothing from him.
well if the big heads in charge won’t do something, should we try the RCMP then? well despite those big heads calling on them, the RCMP says they also have no plans to combat this issue either. meanwhile, protestors barge on, yelling racial slurs and throwing rocks at an ambulance trying to get someone to the hospital through the protest.
so the chief, the mayor, the premier and the RCMP won’t help, who’s left then??? trudeau??? but no!! trudeau won’t do shit either!! he’ll fucking condemn the protestors all live long day, but when it comes to forming any plans to help, he can’t be asked either (I can kind of understand why he won’t meet with them bc he doesn’t want to give their stupid demands merritt, but a tiny part of me is amused that as they throw a hissy fit demanding to have audience with him, trudeau is literally flat out like ‘lol no. fuck y’all’)
this is fucking ridiculous. this shit these ppl are playing, refusing to step in to help the people and instead just tossing the problem onto the next institution or person in charge hoping they’ll deal with it instead. they’ll condemn the protest with such vigor, but apparently they’re not upset enough to actually DO anything (‘do you condemn these protest events?’ ‘absolutely! what these protestors are doing is harmful and has no place in canada!’ ‘so what are your plans then to put an end to it?’ ‘oh no, we’re not going to ask them to leave are you crazy? they might have WEAPONS on them, it’s far too scary!’)
they act as if the longer they wait, the protestors will just move on. I can tell you right fucking now, by the looks of how it’s going, there’s no way on hell that’s happening – those ppl will fucking burn down the city before they leave. they keep repeating the same thing that they won’t leave and have shown signs of how serious they are, and STILL the police and gov are just acting like they’re simply throwing a big tantrum and will eventually tucker themselves out.
how many more bystanders have to get hurt in order for someone to take this seriously? how long will they let this go on bc they’re too scared to actually stand up to these assholes? the police chief saying how carefully they have to tread so it doesn’t erupt in violence – mf, you let this go in too long and it WILL evolve into violence!! and I’ll tell you who will suffer from it, it will be any and all POC, minorities and other vulnerable ppl in the vicinity. I get they’re tying to keep it from becoming a riot, but this lack of action is exactly what these assholes want. they want to feel like the institutions and ppl on the oustide are afraid of them, that they have the power – then they can just do whatever they want. it seems like they’re already doing that.
and it seems like our leaders are just going to let them.
>“the horrific event that is the protest convoy aside”
People don’t have a right to protest?
>“the thing that boggles me is that no one in charge is doing anything.”
>“ppl of ottawa, of canada, are literally being chased off their own streets”
Not a shred of proof this is happening.
>“as ppl get chased down”
That’s not happening.
>“as businesses get destroyed”
That’s not happening.
>“as ppl get harassed”
That’s not happening.
>“meanwhile, protestors barge on, yelling racial slurs and throwing rocks at an ambulance trying to get someone to the hospital through the protest.”
Lol, when?? How?? You’re making this shit up on the spot you little liar.
>“I can kind of understand why he won’t meet with them bc he doesn’t want to give their stupid demands merritt,”
Their “demands” consist of nothing but “don’t force us to do something”. Aren’t you an anarchist?
>“those ppl will fucking burn down the city before they leave.”
Not a single act of violence has been committed by the protesters you fucking liar.
>“how many more bystanders have to get hurt in order for someone to take this seriously?”
Nobody has been hurt you are blatantly lying.
>“mf, you let this go in too long and it WILL evolve into violence”
mf I thought you said its already violent?? So suddenly it’s peaceful but it might, possibly, maybe, somehow turn violent because….. You think it might?
>“and I’ll tell you who will suffer from it, it will be any and all POC, minorities and other vulnerable ppl in the vicinity.”
Oh fuck off! You don’t give a damn about anyone but yourself you statist bitch. You really expect everyone to believe that NOT A SINGLE person of color is with them? Not a single minority is with them? Not any one of them?
You’re not punk. You’re a bootlicking conformist and you should be embarrassed.
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