Men’s 38-in-one night time sickness cold & flu shampoo & conditioner toothpaste and mouthwash combo (plus nourishing skin formula with hydrating aloe)
be right back guys i need to run out to O’Reilly’s Auto Parts and get another jug of Boy Juice to soak in, got a big day tomorrow and want to wash up, brush my teeth, take care of these sniffles, and exfoliate
Folks, this exists and it’s called Dr. Bronner’s castile soap.
It’s also biodegradeable so you can take it camping without worrying about harming the enviornment, the bottle is 100% recycleable and makes for decent reading material if you’re stuck on the can, it’s also good dish soap and the peppermint one is so intensely flavored that a morning shower with it is a sufficient replacement for 2-4 cups of coffee.
People who can withstand aersolised peppermint Dr. Bronner’s in a morning shower without spontaneously combusting in an icy ball of regret and menthol as ALL of the mucus membranes launch a body-wide murder-suicide pact are to be Feared.
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