equal rights for women will never truly be achieved until we have more female noir detectives
and i don’t mean some badass woman who doesn’t need a man and can kill someone in 6 inch heels without breaking a sweat or smudging her perfectly set makeup or chipping a nail. she looks like she grew up in a soggy cardboard box on the side of the road all alone. she monologues dramatically to herself while looking over the corruption-riddled city she works in because she has no friends or hobbies and will literally do anything except go to therapy. she gets beat up in alleyways so blood and rain drip sexily from her nose and chin but when she gets to her feet she looks like a sad wet cat. women want her but they also pity her. instead of perfume she smells of coffee, whiskey and cigarettes, which are also more or less all she lives off of. her voice is more gravelly than a pit of rocks as a result of said diet. she hasn’t slept or showered in at least 3 days and it’s increasingly obvious. she’s either divorced or feels like she should be.
yeah okay gimme a sec
ok first off some of yall missed the entire point and gave gorgeous, put-together women, when op explicitly stated that she is “a sad wet cat” this is the type-a woman who Does Not have her shit together and Does Not care.
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