“why the fuck are they so depraved and so rotted that every single thing women do is a fetish for some guy somewhere?” – ritalinprc
The sexual revolution was a mistake.
We should hunt pornographers for sport
Yeah, but pornography made is sooooo much worse, and also socially acceptable to be public about.
okay but consider that women give birth on their backs (painful, unhelpful, leaves to higher rates of complications) due to a mans fetish
whats shes getting at is its part of male culture at this point and has been for millenia, i wont say that porm hasnt made it worse but id really be hard pressed to believe that this all just happened due to porn, porn is a symptom of what happened before even if now we choose to view it as a cause of newer worse symptoms
True. All of these degeneracies existed before pornography. I do believe that pornography spreads it though, and makes things that would normally be simple aesthetics and making them sexual.
Like hair length, color, style, Ect.
There’s nothing sexual about it, guys have just become so cumbrained that they’re trying to find the perfect clip of the girl they find aesthetically pleasing. My own experiences during the bad old days lead to the near complete decoupling of physical traits and physical attraction. Literally the only physical preference I have left is a healthy weight. That’s it. If you’re a healthy weight you have satisfied my single remaining physical desire, and all that’s left is meshing with me well enough we can be the kind of friends who fall in love.
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