

A word isn’t in a character’s language, and it takes three or four tries for your multilingual protagonist to explain it to them. They have to be very creative in order to do so.

“–and honestly I don’t remember this part very well, there’s a whole subplot about Tirkhu trying to prove that Cuipix’s twinset were spedakhbisa-mapransin, so he can–”

“Uh, wait. What’s that last bit in Common?”

“Fuck. Um. Bastards, maybe? Except not without a marriage, just the wrong one. Like seriously the wrong one.”


“Um…it’s like, someone cheating on their main spouse with their, uh, lower-status spouse, only it’s more of a scandal because the lower-status marriage is a…spedakho…um, alliance marriage, so the kids can’t inherit. It’s a historical thing, alliance marriages don’t really happen anymore.”

“…okay, I still don’t really get it but I get that it’s bad. So then what happens?”