










history classes when going over the holocaust: -goes over how horrible it was-

history classes when going over what happened what happened to people who lived under communism in the Soviet Union: uhhhhhhhmmm the US had a space race with the Soviet Union hahaha

I can easily say the U.S. EduSystem has failed me miserably. History side of tumblr, please, I implore you, explain.

I’m not an expert, but Stalin killed basically as many people as Hitler did. He also specifically managed the logistics of food to starve parts of the country that weren’t sufficiently cooperative with the goals of the USSR, like Ukraine. He just hid it while Hitler did it much more openly, so the world didn’t understand just how terrible the things he was doing were.

“Managed the logistics of food to starve parts of the country”

That makes it sound like he just didn’t send extra food to Ukraine, which is not what happened. He TOOK food from Ukraine, the most fertile bread basket of Europe to the point the peasants had nothing left WHILE exporting grain to the UK in exchange for funds for his gigantic infrastructure projects.

People were shot if they dared to “hoard” a bag of grain to survive the winter.

People devolved into eating dogs, killing their children and cannibalism because there was NOTHING to eat.

And he did it knowingly because Ukraine is a volatile region that never wanted to be part of USSR or Russia and was the biggest hub of resistance to Bolshevism during the Civil War.

Also most stats gloss over Stalin using GULAG prisoners, mostly over political or petty crimes, to build his massive factories, roads to nowhere and the famous Moscow metro. They died en-masse but he didn’t give a shit.

All this, and people nowadays STILL simp for communism and the USSR’s “glory” days… Like for real…

They say it’s fake Western Imperialist propaganda and that Holodomor was “just a famine, bro” and that GULAGs weren’t “all that bad” and people inside deserved it.

I’ve seen multiple instances of people saying the holodomor was just due to “bad weather.” I dunno what they were smoking.

Ah yes, just bad weather in the most fertile region in Europe at the age where famines were largely eradicated in the developed world.
