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Déjà deux années, waw ! Le temps passe vraiment trop vite !
Today is the birthday of my Tumblr blog !
I posted my first GIF the November 16 2013 =)
I remember making my blog oh so randomly, wanting to post my GIFS there, mostly about Kirby … =)
Then with the time I wanted to post more personnal animations but was afraid … and then I finally posted the pigeons, with many parodies ! And then the Foxes and other animals BOUNCING !
I always loved this way to move, bouncing have a sort of rythm that bring smile, I always laughed when I saw this as a kid and it inspired me to post it there =)
I have to say that these are the best years of my life for sure and this is only the beginning
When I go back to my first posts I’m like “weeeew what !?” but I still love my random posts x)
Tumblr is great, I met many talented artists, awesome wanna be artists, LOTS of cool animations ! I love this place !!!
Lets continue this journey together, it means a lot to know that I inspire many of you with my pigeons xD
Never stop what you do the best and continue continue continue ! Even if some pros tell you otherwise and wants you to stop (happened to me, yaay :B) well, never stop
Why stopping something you like ? (lel)
Well, thank you all for these awesome years, you made all of my days :’)
I hope you will continue to enjoy my animations and hope it will continue to bring smiles =)
PS: I try my best english !!! :’’’’’ D
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