
Isabela freaks tf out after realizing she’s just as powerful as Luisa would be. Cue her running to her mom and Alma. She was more than worried that she’s wouldn’t be seen as perfect anymore. Extremely mad she can’t swing on vines anymore, she actually has to walk, like…ew🙄

• Luisa has it the worst. *Panik* she starts shape shifting at random times. Its kinda funny. Maribel has a good laugh cause it doesn’t effect her. Meanwhile Luisa sprinting to Alma while looking….like Alma👹

Julieta is just * confused mom noises * she noticed that her powers weren’t working…like at ALL. So she panics a bit and heads to speak to Alma about it. Sure nuff’ the powers have been swapped. She now sees the future and has a mental breakdown- but doesn’t panic too much because she does see everything going back to normal soon.

Pepa didn’t really care (icon.) Because I’m sure that having your mood effect the weather can be troublesome. But she did care when all of a sudden Delores was like “I can’t hear shit” and Antonio was like “I can’t talk to animals anymore 🙁 ” and Camilo was chill. Catch Camilo swinging like spider man. Everyone was shocked to find that Antonio now had Julieta’s power and Delores had her brothers power and could talk to animals. She didn’t like it very much. Imagine Antonio making a batch of cookies (with Julieta of course) for someone who was injured

Bruno can now hear everything everyone says about him. Unbothered king is gonna sit there listening to allllll the tea 🍵 since he hears everything he’s probably gonna use it to troll others the same way he did with his original powers.