At the end, Alma tearfully states that Pedro sent Mirabel to her. I LOVE this line and was wondering if you could dissect it. Like, I see how both Pedro and Bruno are a lot like but do you see how Mirable is like Pedro?
The more I think about this movie, the clearer it gets to me that the reason I love it so much is not only because it is about family, but mostly because it is about transmission.
When you actively try to bring a family together, especially when many generations interact like it is the case here, what to you have to do ?
Communicate. Share. Heal.
A lot of the healing in Encanto is done through words, but they also have the ability to create full-on musical numbers to showcase their emotions / memories. I think a part of it is real because y’know, magic and everything, but it’s also a poetic visual way to show what everyone is feeling. Not only is it more entertaining and involving as an audience but it serves a real purpose in the story : what you can see when you truly listen to what everyone has to say. Words and songs matter, but small gestures do too…
I know I’m being cryptic and I’m not answering your question so far, I’m getting to it…
I made a post to highlight the visual parallels between Bruno and his father, noticing parallels is my jam, so here’s another one I already mentioned in another post but want to elaborate on : the way they are holding each others hands as a comforting gesture… I like to think that it comes from Pedro and Alma’s relationship and was unconsciously transmitted through the family.
See, Pedro and Alma used to hold each other’s hands a lot. She does this with Bruno when he is nervous about his reunion with the family… I think this little affection display is not something new to them, she probably used it to comfort her children and show her love. So, without even thinking about it, Bruno used it to comfort his niece. And she, in turn, used it with her grandma.
See ? Transmission. And it’s all coming from Pedro.
Transmission plays a huge role in Encanto : the transmission of the family trauma as well as the transmission of love.
We don’t know much about Pedro’s personality… We can tell from the Dos Oruguitas scene that he was caring, comforting, had a lot of humor and most importantly that he was deeply selfless and family-oriented. Many people in this family felt like they had to sacrifice themselves for everyone else, but Bruno and Mirabel are probably the ones who are the most like him. Hence their particular relationship with Alma…
Everyone in this family is avoiding open conflict. But not Mirabel. Mirabel is the first to stand up to her grandmother, not with agressive intentions, but by embracing her own vulnerability and defending others.
The stakes were different, but her grandfather walking hands up to people armed with machetes reminds me of that…
The courage to take a stand can move mountains. And that’s exactly what Mirabel did.
That’s why, like the songs hinted to, she is the miraclethat Alma asked Pedro for.
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