They are so in sync! I feel like this represents how everyone is familiar with one another to the point that they know exactly what to do at any point and time, especially when setting up dinner!
But then we can see Mira, not part of any of this and off to the side where no one even acknowledges her. This may show that she is not in the sync with everyone else, even though they’re supposed to be this large family unit.
Mira looks down at her bag here, which may mean that she is thinking about how Bruno’s vision could be her in into her family’s ’sync’, so that she can finally be acknowledged and seen for once in her life. To finally have done something of value. Honestly, I feel really bad for Mira in this short scene, mainly because she’s left out because she has no gift yet her father and Tio Felix are both in the family sync.
But then Dolores just places a mug/bowl on the table, just a bit out of sync of everyone else. If you look at the other gifs, she’s a little out of sync there too. Also, I looked at the dinner scene and what she placed down isn’t there, so I like to think she placed it there just to show that she isn’t as in sync with everyone else!
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