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literally not every single little thing is racist. if you dipshits always come to that conclusion we’ll never be able to have discussions and actually get somewhere!! do you want to live the way we do now? do you like being a dumb bitch!!!
i dont get it. it drives me insane. for example, if i say “i hate how those black markets in china where you torture animals are a thing and animals shouldnt suffer like that” someone will yell “omg RACIST!!!”. or if i say the growing presence of islam in sweden and how it affects our society as a woman makes me uncomfortable because it is a very anti female reigion (all religions are but) and i dont think that this religion should affect our schools, laws or anything bc we are a non religious country they scream “racist!!!!”. or if i say i dont like this artist bc theyre a shitty person they scream “racist!!!!”.
it’s so annoying. not every single little thing is rooted in racism. i think it’s kinda racist to deminish a person/something to JUST their ethnicity? huh? isnt that racist? there are multitudes to a person and someone’s ethnicity isnt the only thing that makes them them.
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