
Scripture on Sexuality

We’re going to keep this real simple.

– Adultery is a sin

– The biblical understanding of adultery includes looking lustfully at someone you are not married to (Matthew 5:28)

– The biblical definition of marriage is a lifelong union between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:3-9)

– Yes that means Abraham, David, Solomon, Isaac, Jacob, and other major figures in the Bible were sinful. In fact, all human beings are sinful. That’s kind of the point (Romans 3).

– Therefore, lusting after or having sex with someone who is the same sex as you is automatically sinful, because you cannot be married to them under the biblical definition of marriage.

– It also means pornography and premarital sex are on the exact same level as homosexual lust and homosexual sex. They’re all sins.

– That also means they are all covered by Christ’s death on the cross.

– So you can just keep doing them, right? No, go read Romans 6.

– That also means you can’t take “pride” in those sins or make them a part of your “identity.” The temptations you personally are particularly susceptible to are not something to fly a flag or have a parade for.

– Notice I didn’t mention Leviticus ONCE.