





No it would be instantaneous and then your body would float around those big colorful nebulas and you could get to other galaxies and maybe become part of a moon or get incinerated in a star or fall into a black hole.

You could become part of an asteroid and impact on a moon and your microscopic dust remains are scattered all over the crater.

You could become part of a star and undergo nuclear fission and turn into hydrogen and your body is a tiny fraction of the process of the star and you make light for the universe and then the star ages and your atoms get turned into iron and then the star goes supernova and you’re spewed across the universe as space dust.

You could land of a kind-of habitable planet and your DNA survives as you start to decompose and in a few million years the primitive life forms of your body become science’s greatest mystery for humankind.

You could be found by an alien civilization who’s also wondering ‘are we alone in the universe’ and suddenly they know they’re not because woah processed materials and tools and crazy-developed processing centers woah and then in a couple thousand years they make first contact because of the space-travelling cultural revolution your corpse prompted in their society and the humans of the future go ‘how did you get all these spaceships and junk’ and they reverently pull out your body and you are interred with great fanfare and people make you statues and holidays and stuff.

Your body could end up literally anywhere in the universe and you’d be the first human there because who said you had to be alive huh?


What is wrong with you


no colours in space, those pictures are amplified from wave lengths that we can’t see and are often just artistic representations, nothing more. in reality it just looks like normal light. if you died in space you know what would happen? death of course. but depending on the speed you’re going no one would probably see you ever again. you’re not going to float to some other galaxy. Not counting any of the tiny ass satellite galaxies that the milky way has, the next closest one is 2.5m light years away, let me remind you that a light year is the distance that light travels in a year with light being the current fastest known thing ever. and lets face it if your body is travelling at light speed we have other things to worry about. The fastest thing mankind currently has in space is Voyager 1 travelling at 19.03km/s and thats with slingshotting around two planets. now lets just check the speed of light in the same unit 299 792.458 kilometers / second oh. Ohhhh….. so we know you’re probably travelling slow as shit through space, dead. But you forget just how vast and empty space is I mean there is a LOT OF EMPTY FUCKING SPACE everywhere you just can’t even comprehend because we lack having something to relate it to, sure I could tell you numbers but they’re meaningless. So that makes the chance of your dead body being encountered SLIM TO NONE. What would happen if you do by some magical perchance pass a planet? You’ll be pulled in and depending on the atmosphere you’ll be disintegrated into nothingness because your body is nothing but this also depends on your reentry but i’m sure that you’re not going to hit that sweet spot to not burn up. Don’t get me wrong dying in space would be bitchin but it’s not this huge awesome thing that you make it out to be nor will your lifeless corpse have much of an impact on anything afterwards