


@ 14 year old side of tumblr

Please stop giving away so much personal information about yourself. 

It doesnt seem like it but your blog is visited by hundreds of people with hundreds of different intentions weekly (or hell daily if ur a popular blogger). And posting your height, age, gender, privileges, all of your triggers, gives away a lot of information that you may regret posting later on.

The internet is a very scary place. Full of people who could do you harm with that sort of information.

You all have to understand that nothing on the internet is ever truly deleted or gone. So you REALLY have to be careful about what you post and say.  

A lot of you are keen to posting opinions online and as we all know on the internet opinions are going to anger a lot of people. 

People could potentially track and harass you. It is a very dangerous world full of messed up people. And as minors you should all be very wary of who you trust online and think twice before you post something. Just posting “please dont follow if youre _____” isnt going to help from that.


@ 14 year old side of Tumblr

Please stop posting your skype address.

I know it’s tempting to make new friends. And I know that faceless people are easier to talk to. But it’s dangerous. And we’re not trying to parent or berate you. We just want you to be safe.

Trust me.

Down the road you’re gonna realize you made a lot of dumb mistakes trying to be friends with the world. The world isn’t made of all friendly people. And I truly adore your optimism. I’m the same way.

But I’d rather you learn in a safe setting then after putting yourself in harms way.


the 21 year old side of Tumblr.

Signal boosting the hell out of this.

Protecting your privacy is a learned skill. It doesn’t come naturally, particularly on a media designed to allow you to connect with others. And we all want to connect with others.

But it’s an important skill. Gain awareness early, make good choices, do not put yourself in a position where days, months, years, or decades down the line someone will use your own data against you.

This is not about stranger danger, this is not about the older tumblr generation “not getting it” and adopting a helicopter parenting approach to their younger tumblr siblings’ online shenanigans.

This is about the older generation having experienced rapid changes in technology first hand and knowing that none of us can know what to expect next, that none of us can predict what uses people, businesses and governments will come up with next for your data.

We don’t know. You don’t know. And in many cases, they don’t know. Yet.

Look up the term “precautionary principle” on Wikipedia and aim to apply it. Protect your data, protect yourself, protect your future self.