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Follow the story of a young little pigeon wanting to be a super hero but neglected because it’s only a bald pigeon and heroes are often big animals !
Never leaving it’s dream, this pigeon will continue to reach it’s goal, even if this it’s life is … quite boring because one wing can destroy everything !!
So, Waw ! I can’t believe I animated a full opening !! It was an amazing exercice, I learned a lot with it and that’s means that I’m now able to parody openings and endings :’D !!!! (I already imagine lot’s of them, try to imagine too haha !) I animated lots of capes and it was super !
Many of you asked me to animate an opening, and to make something about One Punch Man, I liked the animation a lot =) (Studio Madhouse) and I wanted to try to make a full opening, needless to say that I was super afraid but I could do it in 4 days ! (four looong days !)
Again I’m happy to share my work with you all and to show that a little program can do marvelous things if you are passionate and love what you do !
Merci beaucoup pour tout ce que vous m’apportez depuis que je partage mes animations ici, J’ai vraiment hâte de continuer à partager pleins de choses avec vous tous !
Again Thank you all for your amazing support !!
*** BEST WISHES FOR 2016 !!!!!!
Why are so awewome?
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