This is so anti-abrahamic religions, but I cannot, in good conscious, say that a female who is raped, or a child who gets pregnant through sexual abuse/molestation, should be forced to keep the child. It’s not something I could do. And tell me that I’m going to hell for believing that, but if it were your kid? What would you say.
Anyone can tell you you’re going to hell for any number of things but it’s not their call to make, nor is it mine. We’re also not talking about keeping the child, you can put it up for adoption. You don’t have to raise a kid just because you don’t kill it.
But if it were my kid? I’d tell you the exact same thing my father told me. In debates, being that he has 3 daughters, we were never off limits. The first question was always, “what if it was your daughter?”.
He always said “I can’t even imagine the horror of any of my daughters going through rape and how that might affect them, why would I also want them to go through the trauma of an abortion?”
What reason could I possibly have for wanting my daughter to have an abortion? What good could that possibly do for her? It won’t help her heal from the rape, not even a little. But it will make it worse.
- About 33% of rape victims have suicidal thoughts at some point while about 13% actually make an attempt; about 45% of women who have had an abortion report having suicidal feelings immediately following their procedure.
- Women who have had an abortion are 3 times more likely than the general population to commit suicide (and in some areas the risk is even greater, in Finland the rate seems to be about 6-7 times that of the general population).
- Teen girls who have had an abortion are 10 times more likely to attempt suicide than their peers who have not had the procedure.
Women who have had an abortion are 34% more likely to develop an anxiety disorder.
- The risk of alcohol abuse in post-abortive women is 110%.
Abortion may be a risk factor for subsequent depression in women for up to 8 years after the pregnancy event.
At least 27% of women who have an abortion will have a moment of suicidal ideation afterward.
- While the suicide rate for women that have had an abortion is 3x higher than the general population, the rate for women who have given birth is actually below the general population which could potentially suggest that there is actually something healing in bringing life into the world.
The British Journal of Psychiatry found an 81% increased risk of mental trauma after abortion.
2 in 3 women who have a late abortion [after 12 weeks] suffer from the clinical definition of PTSD.
1995 data suggests that the rate of deliberate self-harm is 70% higher after abortion than after childbirth.
- The aftermath is so severe and frequent that this collection of symptoms has been dubbed Post Abortion Syndrome, there are numerous (very needed) support groups, hotlines, and counselling options for women trying to recover from the pain of abortion.
Honestly, would you want that for your daughter?
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