
Heyyyyyy some more cuphead headcanons

Someday you’ll get tired of these

Cup is very protective over Mug, he knows his brother can take care of himself, but it’s better to be safe then sorry

I’ve seen a buncha people talk about this and I like it, Cup is a “fake it ‘til ya make it” kinda guy, and he doesn’t have the best ego, but his with his bro around, he’ll do just fine

They like hanging around all the bosses, but the first ones they pick are:

Wally Warbles, they like to babysit/hang out with Wally Jr. while him and Elder Kettle catch up on dad/grandpa stuff

Werner Werman, he shows them his cool inventions and tells them stories from the war

Baroness Von Bon Bon, she’s really nice and protective over them, plus she spoils them with sweets. She kinda acts like a sweet aunt to them

The Root Pack, they’re nice to the brothers and they give them good gardening advice, plus Moe makes really crappy puns and Psycarrot always glares at him in disgust, it makes them laugh

Cagney Carnation, Cup likes him a lil bit more because he’s more chaotic and eggs him on to do dumb stuff, but Mug still likes him. And he always has a new “roses are red, violets are blue” poem every week, whether it be goofy or romantic

After the whole selling their souls thing, Cup and Mug started hanging around the casino and made friends with some of Dice’s employees

King Dice has started becoming nicer, he forgave the Devil for mostly everything, (“Good-for-nothing lackey?? b YE”) But he owns the casino now, and he’s warmed up to his employees

If they go to school, I feel like Elder Kettle would make their lunches and put the little notes in them like moms do and hug and kiss them goodbye, Mug and Cup give him an extra hug and kiss before walking to school

I feel like The Root Pack would be brothers, obviously not blood related but they’re close enough to consider each other family

Or The Root Pack are boyfriends(i gotta make it gay somehow)

Cup used to be scared of bees because he’s allergic, so he’s a little uncomfortable around Rumor Honeybottoms because she’s the kind of friend to make sarcastic jokes a lot, and Cup doesn’t really understand sarcasm, so he thought that sooner later she would sting him and he would die

Beppi scared Cup and Mug on Halloween when they were younger, Cup ran away and Mug started crying and hit Beppi when he picked him up to comfort him

Mug hates coffee, but he likes tea. Cup hates tea, but he likes coffee. You could imagine the arguments

Mug and Cup hate their own laughing, Mug just wheezes and Cup is either really loud or silent laughter, no inbetween

When Cup sets his mind on something, he’s determined to accomplish it in any way he can, even if it means losing sleep. Mug tries to stop Cup from losing sleep over the little stuff by dragging him into one of their beds, cuddling up to him and never letting go. Cup is trying to get better

Elder Kettle has two jobs to take care of his kids, but Cup and Mug do chores for the bosses to help him relax a bit

It is a bit hard for him to juggle between taking care of his kids, taking care of himself, and working, but he tries

Elder always kisses them goodnight, but because he sometimes works over time, he can’talways be there, so Cup and Mug kiss each other goodnight when he isn’t there