Literally just heard a Christian say things are going to get bad for their religion and they’re going to become as persecuted as they were in Romans all because they don’t…
Easy answer
It’s the people forcing Christians to participate in gay weddings.
You’re fucking kidding me right? You’re pulling out the cake thing? The fucking CAKE thing, do you even realize how childish it is to compare having to bake a cake for a wedding to the fact that well over half of all members of th lgbt community are victims of sexual harassment/assault including but not limited to rape? How many Christian teens have committed suicide this year alone because society would not accept them and continuously bullied them until jumping in front of truck was their only way out?
You want to see Christian persecution go over seas and maybe you’ll see people being oppressed, you want to lgbt persecution walk outside.
You know what? No. I’m done. I’m done with your stupid ass ignorance and groundless bigotry and sorry excuses for Christian persecution. So stop grasping for straws and realize just how good you have it compared to those marching for equality. You are a horrible excuse for a Christian and should just turn in your bible because I know Christians, real Christians, and you can’t hold a candle next to them.
No you don’t. You know people who don’t care about your soul. they only care that you like them and thus will say whatever you want to hear.
And, asshole, we are talking about people’s ability to feed themselves and their children that you totalitarian freaks are screwing with here.
Like I said, Stop trying to FORCE christians into compliance. THEN I will believe the shit you spew.
Oh sweetie, that’s adorable, on all levels, said people do care about my “soul” they try continuously to convert me, but I won’t. Also if you want to get into biblical law about homosexuality/trans identity I can, but everything is mentioned in th old Testament and every law placed was to atone for the first sin and Jesus cleared that for everyone, now we need only to follow the rules Jesus placed if you believe in God.
And we were not talking about feeding families and housing, I was talking about how a Christian pastor claimed things were going to get as bad for Christians as they were back when Romans was written, YOU brought up workplace discrimination because you know (even if you don’t admit)that that is how the lgbt community is treated and you’re afraid we’ll retaliate in the same manner. But we are not going to because we’re better than that.
And one more time, we’re not forcing you into compliance we’re forcing you to acknowledge that we exist and demand you treat us fairly. Now like I said, I’m done here, any further comments will be responded to with a fabulous meme/video/link of equal ridiculousness as your arguments because other than the cake you gave no evidence of the point you attempted to prove.
Have a nice day. – the lesbian transgendered atheist raised by Christians ^-^*
You mean the persecution that has already been carried out? Such as….
Fire Chief fired for Christian Beliefs
Duck Dynasty
Consultant fired for christian beliefs
13 Gay bakeries discriminate against Christain beliefs
Product Engineer fired for Christian beliefs
Christian High school student forced to attend gay club, then punished for religious speech
Make no mistake. When you FIRE people for practicing their christian faith by SPEAKING….it’s persecution.
This isn’t about equality, it’s about FORCING compliance. You are part of a fascist, totalitarian movement that aims to punish dissent in the most un american and unconstitutional ways.
Rainbow Nazis is totally fitting for this shit.
I haven’t seen you speak up against any of this yet, so I think the title should be YOURS.
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