Praedia solus habes et solus, Candide, nummos, aurea solus habes, murrina solus habes, Massica solus habes et Opimi Caecuba solus, et cor solus habes, solus et ingenium. Omnia solus habes–nec me puta uelle negare– uxorem sed habes, Candide, cum populo.
Only you have land, Candidus, and only you have the cash,
You alone have stacks of gold, and you alone jars full of jewels,
You alone have all that fancy tall dollar wine,
You’re the only one with a heart, the only one with a brain,
You alone have every little thing! I would never say otherwise.
But your wife, Candidus? Her you share with eeeevvvveerrryyyyoooonnnneeeeee.
man yall the interpersonal drama in ancient rome was something else like. there was a guy named crassus who had a pet eel and was so sad when it died that he gave it a funeral, and when another dude named domitius ahenobarbus made fun of him for throwing an eel funeral, crassus was like “oh so this is coming from the guy who’s buried three of his wives and not even shed a single tear about it.” wish i could’ve been in the room for that one
Me and the fellas at an eel funeral watching domitius ahenonarbus final moments:
Listen I know this is a hateful anon but like, if this is REALLY the way we appear to everyone then…holy crap that’s a problem. I never want to be the reason someone turns further from Christ. This…has really made me reevaluate some things.
I don’t put much weight into an anonymous face that gets facts wrong about things I post and the people I (directly) interact with. If someone was willing to speak to me in private sure, I’d listen. Hell I have even spoken against asshole Catholics more than once on here. But I do this already with people off and on tumblr, and have acted accordingly for years.
I suggest people do the same: talk to actual people or find their stories and evaluate from that. Sometimes people get hurt and vent unfairly to someone behind a mask, or they are just a bully trying to hurt more people the same way. I just let them vent and I move on. I genuinely suggest other people do the same.
Not a Catholic, but my issue with people with similar thinking like this, is that they tend to be the “don’t judge” types, who proceed to judge the F out of who they’re talking to. This person just typed up a whole bunch of nothing without really trying to get to know you and they’re not the only ones.
what exactly is wrong with this post genuinely what problem is there like are u good do u need something
It’s amatonormative because it says “love is the most important thing ever.” No exceptions, no caveats, no “this is how it is for me but hey you do you.” Amatonormativity is the idea that everyone wants love, that everyone is hardwired for it, and it’s so pervasive that when the aromantic community said “maybe don’t put love on a pedestal?”, everyone went “we’ll just add all the other types of love to the pedestal, you should be happy now!” and then got mad when we weren’t.
If love is super important to you, then that’s fine! Still examine yourself for amatonormative impulses because they’re probably there, etc, and you may even find something else is more important to you. But don’t tell other people that it has to be important to them, too.
And… love really isn’t the most important thing ever. Yes, even platonic love. Even familial love. Even just “having love in ur heart.” Nothing is the most important thing ever, because everyone has different priorities, and that’s okay! It’s absolutely fine if you find fulfillment in kindness or compassion or happiness or a combination of those or something else entirely. You’re not doing anything wrong.
You do realize there are different kinds of love, right? And OP specifically stated they weren’t limiting it to romance. Do you not love your family or friends?
WTF is this new horsesh*t?!
I swear they keep making up new BS labels every second of every day. And yes, love is the most important thing as it’s what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. Having love and compassion for one another is the basis of most good deeds be it for others or ourselves.
Welcome back to another Weirdo Wednesday! Allow me to introduce you to…
The Sea Angel: Clione limacina
Not an angel, but a sea slug! Their name comes from the tiny wing-like appendages known as peropoida, that allow them to glide through the water in a quick sculling motion. This 7 cm long weirdo is hermaphroditic, meaning the have both male and female parts for reproduction! They come together in large groups when it’s time to reproduce and release their eggs/sperm into the water. They’re found in the icy waters of the Arctic, subarctic, and the Pacific Ocean, from the surface to about 600ft below.
Not what they seem
It may surprise you to know that these graceful weirdos are predators! They feed exclusively on a shelled pteropod called a sea butterfly (those of you who play Animal Crossing know what that is!). Is it wrong that a sea snail eats another sea snail? Who’s to say. They grab their pray with tentacles and pry them out of their shells with small hook-like appendages and deposits them straight into their gut! The sea angel plays an important part in the marine food chain by being a source of food for jellies, ctenophores, fishes, baleen whales, and birds! The benefit of being in the deep sea and transparent though is predators have a harder time finding you!! But they have another defense mechanism… They release a chemical compound that makes them taste bitter!
The sea angel is a specialist when it comes to the kind of food it eats, which can be a problem if something happens to the food source. Ocean acidification has caused issues for organisms with shells, like the sea butterflies. Their calcium carbonate shells are being to dissolve in more acidic waters, making it harder for them to swim and ultimately it costs them too much energy. These weirdos are not in any immediate danger of going extinct, but as their only source of food becomes scarce that may change.