The bubble blowing weeble people in elden ring 👍👍👍
Yes yes yes yes yes yes
I googled elden ring round trumpet people and I guess they’re called Oracle envoy and they toodle-oooh on their little trumpets that blow rainbowy bubbles and spin gently around. Unless they’re aggro then it sounds like someone stepped on an accordion and I love them so much
Most of them only come up to knee height too so they’re the most huggable little things.
Yea they bounce and wobble to move and, they blow bubbles by tooting.
You got the wrong person for this one. My brother’s autistic, half the people I hung out with in college are autistic (either officially diagnosed or “on the spectrum”), my husband is autistic…
I wasn’t the one making fun of weird kids in elementary/middle school. I was the weird kid who got made fun of.
All this aside, I don’t want children being killed, period. Having autism or Down Syndrome or any learning or intellectual disability does not make someone an exception to this principle.
I don’t have to be your friend to not want you dead.
it wasn’t specifically you i was talking about, it’s you tradcats in general. I’m biracial, bisexual, autistic and generally mentally ill. for centuries tradcats have seen me as a freak of nature. i’ve been religious during my little phases several times, and i ain’t found any love there! the people you follow would’ve put me in a mental instution if they could.
why would Catholics hate someone who’s biracial (i mean we wouldn’t hate anyone if we did right by our teachings, but that one really confuses me)
literally almost every one of my mutuals is mentally ill or disabled in some way
because muh tradition. papa broke it when he fell in love with a hispanic woman. most trads stick to their own kind. next time you’re in a white picket fence neighbourhood, count how many same-raced couple vs mixed you see. and they’re real traditional there.
I don’t live in a “white picket fence” neighborhood, and my church isn’t in a neighborhood like that either. Most of the Catholics I know personally are Hispanic.
Sounds like you had a very specific bad experience with specific people mistreating you/your family and hiding behind their religion to excuse their behavior.
Don’t blame that on all “tradcats,” and definitely not all Christians or all pro-life people.
oh i didn’t say you did. just said some conservatives don’t like people like bc of that. there was a freak out in like 2014 cuz a commerical had a mixed family on air. And i’m well aware most hispanic people are christian.
and i wouldn’t say “hiding”, more just establishing dominance over someone who’s inherently different. And its really that specific, the children in my grandmothers school tried to burn her as a witch cuz they thought she was too weird. And i’m not blaming, i’m just saying my existance is inherently in oppision to yours, as yours is to mine, and therefore i wish you’d stop acting like you actually care about people like me.
How is your existence in opposition to mine? We probably disagree on some things (such as your view of sexuality), but you’re a human being with value and rights.
You came to my blog and vented your personal and family trauma because I interact with people who remind you of people who hurt you. I’m not sure what you want from me – because it almost sounds like you want me to say that you don’t have value, because you think that’s what I “truly believe.”
It’s almost like you want me to be an awful person because that would justify the generalizations and stereotypes you’ve formed based on your bad experiences with specific people.
How is your existence in opposition to mine?
because historically, christian officals have used their powers to make us weirdos not have a place in society. sodomy laws, the hayes code, virginia v lovin., in ye olden days places that showed nudie films were raided and protested by you guys.
and i didn’t really vent, more say my mark that most of you prolifers don’t care (not you since you seem to be an exception) about autists in more than theory and goodie points. i was unaware of your relations to my people.
and truly think in your heart, do you really want degenerates like me on the same earth as God? when you guys protested in the 60s against the new wave of everyone who wasn’t a straight white guy, you sure didn’t want us. when christian moms want a cure autism or homosexuality and make stupid little articles about how their autism/down syndrome child is like a curse or a zoo animal you sure don’t want us.
So you’re blaming me for things people did in the past before I was born?
You’ve fundamentally misunderstood what Christianity is. Our core belief is that we are ALL “degenerates” – “For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God” (Romans 3:23)
None of us deserve to be in God’s presence, which is why none of us get to go to heaven under our own merit. It’s literally the core, central message of Christianity.
Well, more accurately, the core central message is the verse that follows the one I quoted:
“and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God’s righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins.” (Romans 3:24-25)
The entire point is that none of us deserve God’s love, but Jesus died and rose again to pay for our sins and free us from them.
I’m sorry nobody ever share the Gospel with you, but I recommend the book of Romans if you want to understand what Christianity actually teaches (Romans 6 is a really great summary of what life looks like for a Christian who has been saved)
As one of the aforementioned half of her friends group in college, an autistic bisexual man, I’m here to say she’s not the caricature that lives in your head. She and I disagree on many things and we’ve argued about them both irl and on here, but I hold no malice or hatred towards her, nor does she toward me.
It should tell you something that I’m loyal enough to her to leap to her defense as soon as I read your wild assumptions and accusations. I’m also quite religious and hold conservative social beliefs, though I don’t believe in imposing them on others. There are many people like me in our camp as well.
Don’t let the victim mentality that’s been drilled into your head by ideology drive wedges between you and people you’ve never met. Just because you strongly disagree with someone on things, doesn’t automatically make them your mortal enemy.
I’m sorry you were mistreated by people like us in the past, but you can’t let those people define the whole. If I let the fact I was bullied and taken advantage of by a gaggle of girls in high school shape my view of women as a whole and cause me to hate them, I bet you’d rightly think that was wrong and call me a mysogynist.
I was sexually abused by my own cousin at least twice. But the trauma and its effects that I’ve suffered from don’t justify me treating all men like shit because of what he alone did. An innocent person who you know nothing about shouldn’t have to cosign for something your abuser did. The same goes for associating innocent people who have something in common with your abuser. Miss me with that “guilt by association” BS.
Seek help dude because right now this all sounds like a cry of help and pain. You are trying so hard to force this person into a box so you can justify your anger, and it’s only going to make things worse for yourself.