I screamed in every scene she appeared in with a “LUISSSAAAAA!!!”
She really makes my Bisexual show IWEJFERWL-
Slight Spoilers ahead:
She’s got a lovely personality, I loved her song because I relate so much to it as an older sibling in a very complicated and not healthy family dynamic, I love that the writers didn’t de-feminize her because she has the often masculine-coded trait of being strong and muscular, she’s just a joy in every scene she’s in, she looks like she gives good hugs which I’m a sucker for, and-
She could carry me like one of those donkeys and I’d let her. 🙂
As for Mirabel.
My baby should’ve left that household. She should’ve, she really should’ve.
A child should not have to feel like it’s their job to “save” anyone in their family, physically or emotionally. And even if that job is self-appointed by the child, the fact that they feel like they need to do that is an unhealthy mindset. A child should not feel like they have to “measure up” to deserve love and inclusion in their family, that is neglect.
Mirabel is in too close of a proximity to an environment that belittles and pushes her aside, and I felt that, though it was nice that her grandma apologized, the issue of this constant bad-feedback loop having been present since she was FIVE is too big of an issue to be swept aside. That type of shit is traumatic to hear that you’re not special enough to be loved or that you’re not useful to your family when you’re a goddamn toddler!!
Number 5 already! Thank you all for the kind words and support! They really keep my creativity going and I hope I’m doing well by these characters and their meaningfulness to both Colombians & Latinos all!
Antonio and Mirabel teamed up on a birthday present for Luisa one year. They kept it a secret for months with the help of Dolores.
It was a giant stuffed unicorn. Luisa’s face was b a w l i n g when she saw it. It’s her most precious treasure and named “Rainbow”.
Post-movie, Abuela tries once to “get in the know” with her grandchildren in order to understand them better. Help these kids… (She’s a bit confused but she’s got spirit).
Being that Pepa is the middle child, of course she has the chaotic middle child energy.
Nobody would’ve taught that energy would spread to her children and nieces.
Camilo and Isabela (despite being the oldest) are prime examples of it.
Mariano and Isabela are the type of friends to be “The menace and the bean”.
Sometimes Mariano will just wrap his arms around Dolores and softly hum in her ears just the way she likes it. His voice is oh-so soothing to her.
When young Dolores was still adjusting to her gift, Casita had extra caution to make sure that any floorboard she stepped on or door she opened never creaked/squeaked.
Dolores still appreciates this; it’s the small things that count.
Thanks to her constant help with the donkeys, Luisa was given the opportunity to name a newly born donkey.
His name is Jorge and she will fight the sun itself for him.
Mirabel would be lying if she said she wasn’t attached to the little guy too.
Agustín is actually a pretty decent dancer. People just tend to forget this when he trips over a stack of wood and face first into a beehive. Again.
Julieta has separate emergency stashes of arepas for different Madrigals.
One for Agustín for many reasons: one for Dolores and her sensory issues; one for Mirabel when she pricks herself while sewing; one for Félix if he accidentally gets shocked by Pepa’s lightning (though that basket is open to anyone really); and one for Bruno simply because she wants him to eat more.
Camilo managed to hold an entire “One person show” by himself for the village. It was an impressive feat but left him tired out his mind.
He fell asleep on Luisa’s shoulder as she carried him home.
After her gift ceremony, Mirabel spent a whole week going through a list of potential powers to try to see if she could awaken her gift late.
Camilo helped as well with this, which made things a little bit crazier than planned.
Soon they were by Julieta before Alma could catch wind of the two’s plans. Good thing too because flying was further down on the list (precautions would’ve been made but Julieta’s heart couldn’t even handle the idea).
Camilo doesn’t approve of Mariano dating his sister until MUCH later on. Dolores helped with that by revealing his weakness: food.
Surprisingly Mariano can whip up some great dishes. Camilo was sold.
Back when he was hiding, Bruno snuck out to grab some food and then returned to the walls, only to find a 13 year old Dolores in his room, messing around with his rats.
“Dolores??? How did you-” “Your rat friends led me here :D”
Dolores would help support Bruno while he was in the walls, whether it be leaving him plates of food in front of his painting entrance or spare blankets during the winter time.
Bruno tried to make a rat band before. Unfortunately it didn’t work out… Rats can only do so much…
Pepa cannot be trusted in the kitchen worth her life.
Julieta let her cook ONCE and sworn off it ever again. Not without supervision at least.
Sometimes Bruno is the unfortunate volunteer to be Pepa’s supervisor. Anytime she put something that completely did not go in the dish, he’d follow up with something that he knows will at least make it better.
When they were younger, Pepa and Bruno would go joyriding on her bike. Poor boy nearly lost his soul each and every time.
Dolores and Mariano’s first date was completely set up by Isabela as she is the ultimate wingman. However Camilo tries to sabotage as protective siblings do.
It’s a whole cartoon plot going on between Isabela making the date go great and Camilo trying to ruin it.
All exotic plant experimentation happens in Isabela’s room in order to avoid cases of invasive species.
A scrapped concept of Isabela’s powers was that she could also make sentient plant people (potatoes specifically).
I have an AU in the works with this idea but for now, just imagine. Her little potato army.
Mirabel has never been more terrified of an idea in her life.
Camilo will have moments where he walks into Mirabel’s room out of nowhere and plops his head on top of hers while she’s sewing.
Mirabel stopped questioning it after the third time. He just wants to be around her and she doesn’t mind the affection.
After she’s done, they’ll go and commit twin crimes.
Pepa is usually the one breaking up a fight between Dolores and Camilo while Félix and Antonio sip juice out on the patio. They do not see therefore it does not exist.
Félix is the type to put them in a get-along shirt and tell them to figure it out.
Isabela is always this close to wrangling Camilo’s neck.
If not for the spirit of Abuelo Pedro watching over him Isabela probably would’ve gotten it done by now.
As much as I love the idea of cousins being forever wholesome with each other, we have to admit that realistically, they’re also all gremlins towards each other.
Mirabel and Camilo once broke a vase to which Dolores heard loud and clear. They begged her (or in Camilo’s case, threatened) her not to tell. She promised… And then proceeded to yell “ABUELAAAAAA-”.
Remember my “Mirabel and Isabela fist fight” headcanon? Yeah that would happen with Isabela and Camilo if the boy didn’t run for his life most the time.
Camilo is a full blown clothes thief, whether it be his sister’s or his cousins’ dresses. Don’t blame him that they look good on him.
Luisa and Antonio are the only safe ones from this. One’s too big and the other’s too small.
Anytime Isabela and Mirabel would get into an argument, Luisa would just pick them up by their clothes’ collars and simply hug them until they stopped. Works every time (plus free cuddles!).
Even Casita has its moments where it’ll lift up a floorboard to trip up someone or bonk someone with a door. Mischievous house it is.
All in all, cousins will be cousins but they grandkids all love each other down to the very bone.
This has gotta be the longest one so far… May be a bit of a break before my brain comes up with more ideas, but that’s all for now!
He’s so flexible that he probably finds this comfortable- anyways I can easily imagine him being good at acrobatics and being flexible enough that he could probably scare someone, especially in Seasons 3-4, mmmmm body horror