When capitalism faces a fatal threat it will always turn to fascism without fail. There can be no fascism without capitalism.
This is an americentric and innacurate statement. Soviet style autocracy resembles fascism in almost every substantive way with almost no resemblance to capitalism. Fascism in both Germany and Italy arose in a period when industry and currency were crippled.
NATIONALISM, especially as a diversion from extensive social problems, is the consistent precursor to facism.
Capitalism is a correlation, not a causation, and using it as a dog whistle any time someone calls you out is the same method the USSR and now Putin use(d) to deflect from their atrocities and does not make you the progressive marxist revolutionary you think it does. Just post a correction and take some responsibility instead of worrying about your image. You’ll do more good.
“Fascism in both Germany and Italy arose in a period when industry and currency were crippled.” Boy in your own words that sure sounds like capitalism was facing a fatal threat and turned to fascism.
I think the using the word fascism should be a bannable offense on tumblr because no one knows what it is or how to use it in a sentence.
This idea doesn’t make any historical or logical sense. The historical and philosophical roots of fascism are right there for anyone to read about. Fascism was proposed as an alternative to the liberal models of most of the West and also to hard Communism, which put the ideological emphasis on the worker. Fascism basically came about due to post-war chaos, economic ruin and nationalistic fervor.
Capitalism, understood to mean “Free Enterprise” means that private individuals are free to make and run their own businesses, independent of the government. There’s some ideology there but mostly it’s independent of any structured belief system like Communism and Fascism are. How does Capitalism necessarily give way to Fascism? Extreme Nationalism tends to balk at free international trade. “Capitalism leads to Fascism” is a non-sequitar and a commie canard.
They say ‘Capitalism leads to Fascism’ because they don’t want to admit that Fascism is, was, and always will have been created to make a Nationalized, instead of Global, form of Socialism.
This is so very so that the most well known Fascist party in world history was the ‘National Socialist German Workers’ Party’. That they hated other Socialists and Communists isn’t proof that they were not socialists, because it was the nationalism that they differed with the rest with. It’s very hard to make peace with any group who considers their first priority to be the destabilization of all world governments. It’s not a political position that leads well to compromise.
Not that I’m in any way defending fascists, I’m just pointing out that this is that you might as well say ‘You can’t have socialism without capitalism’.
As F.A. Hayek said in The Road to Serfdom, the Nazis and the communists clashed so much because they competed for the same sorts of minds, and felt for each other the hatred that one feels for a heretic. Their real ire was toward those who believed in individual liberty, because that person could not be converted to their way of thinking.
FUN GANG VOICECALL (DELTARUNE)(https://youtu.be/C5xQW7FdXCA) parody
I couldn’t find the original sound source😭pls tell me if I can’t use it!! I’ll take this down immediately
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ladies and gents may i present you the (main) cast of The Viscount Who Loved Me
i struggled a bit deciding on who to draw but in the end i felt these 6 were the most relevant of the book. if you have other suggestions i’m open to them though🤗 pd: pen is here as penelope but also as in LW