I put together some of Reginald Cocroft’s treehopper courtship call recordings with photos of the genera that make the noise. Platycentrus makes the best animal sound ever I think
Treehoppers are too little for us to normally hear BUT many people don’t realize that cicadas are evolutionarily like a giant version of these c:
When I think of what is most treasured in my life, I find my family and friends-old and new, coming together. I was overwhelmed seeing so many of you come out and (and wait in line 😭) to support me and my book on Sunday. Thank you with all of my heart for cheering me on- in person and from afar -and a big thank you to Maureen and Jessica at @onceuponatimebkstore for hosting such a fabulous in person event.
Sick sick sick of possibility of being fucking recorded every waking second by tiktok obsessed quasi celebs. Video titled something like “Caught him thinking he’s the main character” but it was just a kid wearing headphones, looking out the bus window. Of course it was posted without his knowledge. Stop recording strangers and everything you see, nobody gives a shit and not everyone is happy to be on tiktok or youtube because of a moron with no braincells and an account. What could be a forgettable awkward moment is now permanently there for the victim of lackabrainis infested idiot to get anxious about forever.