pov: you are an innocent townsperson who would’ve gotten away with your day if it weren’t for these meddling kids
[ID: a digital drawing of the six madrigal grandchildren, pico the toucan and parce the jaguar, peering out from the edge of the canvas in a scooby stack ordered by height. the three shortest grandkids are squished together as though they are mostly crouching or bending down, using each other as support, while the three tallest grandkids are mostly upright. the piece is done in warm, sunlit colours over a purple background. from the bottom to the top, the stack consists of: antonio, who ducks his head down, laughing, into a smiling parce’s head, one arm slung around the jaguar’s neck as though he is riding him as the toucan peeks out from behind them; mirabel, who rests her chin on his head and a hand on his shoulder, smirking in equal parts determination and mischief; camilo, who rests his chin on her head, brows furrowed, holding one finger up as though about to make a comment; dolores, whose head and shoulders lean out to the side, both eyebrows raised high; isabela, who peeks out between dolores and the edge, smile mischievous, holding a fist contemplatively under her chin; and luisa, who peers above isabela’s head with ease, looking both curious and confused. end ID.]