mirabel and camilo backstory headcanon time part 2..! the backstory is complete but i might do a continuation of some kind hehe we’ll see
my read on camilo is that while great at cheering people up, he’s incredibly uncomfortable with vulnerability and terrible at actually comforting someone without brushing off their hurt… so you can imagine what that combo will do to a (slightly insensitive at the best of times) five year old with a deeply hurt cousin and a family that needs him to keep everyone smiling
I really don’t know why people think the whole family was a bitch to Mirabel…
Exept for Isa and Alma no one else was harsh to her. Literally no one. They never expressed any discomfort or hatred towards Mirabel
Julieta and Agustin clearly support her, Luisa deeply cares about her, Antonio ADORES her.
Pepa and Felix have a good relationship with her and we see that because she wasn’t scared or intimidated when she asks them about Bruno, she’s confident enough to ask “uncomfy” questions and Felix literally started talking about Bruno’s vision because he wanted to warn his niece.
And don’t even try to tell me that “But Pepa was angry at Mirabel after the dinner!!11!” thing because you would be confused and stressed out as well in her situation
Dolores trust her so much that not only she tells Mirabel the truth about Bruno but also her situation with her unrequited love.
And Camilo never showed to have anything against her. He was always his funny and caring self and he’s very cautious with Mirabel in WDTAB
So yeah, I really don’t see where this “The whole family has always been toxic and harsh to Mirabel” came from
full disclaimer i don’t really share that “camilo carries a picture of himself to remember what he looks like” headcanon HOWEVER. if he did. do you think he’d eventually end up looking young for his age