The left: We will come to your cities, burn them to the ground, murder innocent people, and if you dare, DARE to stand up to us, we will throw you in prison for life
The left as soon as war becomes a possibility: Please go fight off the scary Russians for me, I am but a meek child who can’t fend for myself, please sacrifice your life so that I the innocent may live, I need you brave toxically masculine men
Been thinking about how similar these two are; they both hurt someone they hold dear, how Shining stays near Nightingale even though it’s painful, but Saria can’t do the same with Ifrit…
Here’s Bruno but in a suit. He’s asking Isabela to take a picture of him so he can update his dating profile picture. I guess. Idk. My SO has this problem of looking good when I don’t have a camera on, but as soon as he sees me taking a picture, he ruins it by smiling so fakely and awkwardly and I wanted to capture than essence in Bruno.