This is completely self-indulgent. I long to see this man happy. I imagined him in his younger years trying his hardest to be helpful around town. He learned how to build houses pretty well (that’s how he learned how to patch up casita’s cracks) and how every once in a while the towns people thank him and it fills him with warm fuzzy feeling. Every time a construction type project is being done, he is always there lurking, trying to get them to notice him and hopefully they would invite him to come and help.
During breaks everyone would usually be together to eat, so he would join everyone for a meal, quiet and a bit awkward, but once a conversation starts going and as he listens in, he would occasionally say something, maybe even a joke and have the crowd warm up to little by little.
i love his man he deserves love jksdfhghjslkjnhnhnnn // ALSO HIM LAUGHING/AND OR GIGGLING AT SOMETHING IS MY CRACK
Thinking about Bruno hiding from his family while simultaneously doing what he could to help them (i.e. patching up the cracks in Casita’s walls) reminded me of Leila from Futurama and her relationship with her parents while she was growing up away from them. Them leaving her gifts and trying to protect her while hidden in vents/sewers. Then I thought, wouldn’t it be cute to see Bruno secretly interact with his family in that way? 
Casita is the one who protects and helps the family while they’re inside her, but Bruno could very well sneak around outside and provide some assistance. (Imagine tiny Mirabel and Camilo getting into trouble and Bruno trying to quietly keep things from getting worse.) Inside or outside of Casita, he could make little gifts and leave them out (himself or via the rats) for the family to find. Something to cheer them up when they’re down or just a nice surprise in general. I don’t know how something like the whole petting-your-relative-while-they-sleep thing Leila’s parents did could work out considering almost all of the bedrooms are not connected to Casita in a spatially logical way. Maybe he could just check in Mirabel and Antonio in the nursery sometimes.
You fuckers got me actually shipping Bruno and the Fish Lady. (Who is apparently named Senora Osma Pezmureto.)
I just know these two are exs. I just know it. They give off lovers to enemies (to back to lovers)
Personally in this scenario I like to imagine that the fish dying prophcey happened close to Mirabel’s fifth birthday. Bruno was already tense because of all the preparations that have to go into a gift ceremony. So to destress or something he looks to future of his love.
Enter dead fish prophecy.
Osma finds out and she’s not angry but she is somewhat freaked out. Despite it being only her fish this is the first time Bruno has seen a death. That means Bruno can see anyone die. It’s a hard pill to swallow, especially when majority of the village believes Bruno causes the future to happen.
Bruno, who is as equally freaked out, tries to reassure her that it was probably way later down the line. Osma agrees but the seriousness of a prophecy that could predict a death distracts her and she forgot to feed her fish.
The next day the fish is dead.
Both are even more freaked out by this, and maybe they have a fight. They don’t break up but Osma insists to wait until after Mirabel’s gift ceremony so Bruno wasn’t as tense. Bruno’s insecurities are starting to hit and he thinks Osma is just trying to be nice before dumping him.
The ceremony is a disaster and Bruno disappears.
Osma is hearbroken and in that heartbreak she fixates on the dead fish. Is she actually angry about the fish and the prophecy? No, maybe a little uncomfortable that a man she loves could easily predict her own death if he looked hard enough, but honestly anyone would. What Osma was really angry at was how their relationship ended, and for the past 10 years she has had unanswered questions.
(This idea gets even better when you add the headcannon that Osma is Felix’s unnamed sister who lives in the village.)
A Tale of Three Sisters and the Encanto Deluxe Junior Novelization, although Antonio’s Amazing Gift was probably my favorite):
1. When Agustin says, “I was thinking of my daughter,” he adds, “Or does she not count?”
2. When Luisa tells Alma and Mirabel that she’s losing her gift, she adds, “Not your fault” to Mirabel.
3. When Antonio gives Bruno his stuffed jaguar “for the nerves,” he adds, “I’m gonna’ need that back.” Like this funky rat man can do whatever with his bedroom, but not his favorite prima’s Gifting gift.
4. In the epilogue of A Tale of Three Sisters, they all make Mirabel a special door, just like the in the fanfiction that we all wrote (ahem).
5. Isabela’s whole character is just really fleshed out in that book, and so is her relationship with Mirabel.
6. Similarly, when Mirabel is pestering Luisa about the cracks, she doesn’t straight up accuse her of causing them with her silence.
7. And Luisa still thinks about dropping a donkey on her (but she’s too polite to say it).
8. When Bruno asks Mirabel to leave his literal hole-in-the-wall, he says, “I don’t have a reason, but you’re making me uncomfortable,” while pulling a rat out of his coffee and taking a swig. This was, I remember specifically,
in both books.
9. When Bruno tells Mirabel that she’s what the family needs, he also says that it’s because she, “helped Antonio get his door,“ and helped Bruno get his, “first good vision, ever.”
10. It is stated nearly-explicitly in A Tale of Three Sisters that when Mirabel slides down the sand dune in Bruno’s room, she gets sand in her whoohoo.