Brother, my spice tolerance is fine 👌 Our mother put chili in everything we ate, lmao <3
Don’t know what these guys are on about, though. Most Brits love ketchup and black pepper??? Those are like. Staple substances. I wonder if the people showcased have an allergy or something– Even if it were spicy, it shouldn’t leave you uncomfortable for hours after.
So, yeah,
No idea what this is on about.
@longfingerkork Well, there you have it! I live under a rock, so I wouldn’t know, but the thought was on my mind.
I figured so after bumming around a bit. But for frick’s sake when you have a country that came up with this shit
It’s honestly hard to tell if they’re joking sometimes.
(P.S. Thank GOD for the Rate My Plate community to roast some of these dishes to completion because the OPs certainly weren’t.)
Sometimes im like “white people cant handle spice jokes are funny but they sure are overblown arent they?” And then god sees fit that i bear witness to a fuckin clown like this
Do I bother even tagging this while risking it being displayed in the main ac hashtags
Anyways in the supernatural folk au Maria Thorpe’s a Griffin/Gryphon (osprey and caracal inspired!)
I’m also giving characters based off more full-on creatures the ability to take on human forms, and anywhere in between (though it’s kind of a conscious decision and depending on the traits, can be uncomfortable to hide— such as wings)
I have no idea how to tag this without being embarrassed in main tags so 💀 no ac tag for now