The one where his eyes are bandaged is inspired by this amazing fanfic by Sinclaironfire.
It’s really sad, there’s lots of blood and torture, but don’t worry, you’ll just have to read it for yourself to see the outcome. Link
The one where he’s drenched I like to think that his nieces and nephews pranked him with a big ‘old bucket of water since I headcannon he hates water haha!
You’re just the ghost in the next room That taps on the wall when I’m trying to sleep You should be out haunting young fools Who are more inclined to believe
Now close your eyes Before the night turns to day And hear a lullaby Sung for a wraith
You’re just the ghost in the next room That taps on the wall when I’m trying to sleep You should be out haunting young fools Who are more inclined to believe
Now close your eyes Before the night turns to day And hear a lullaby Sung for a wraith
‘We Don’t Talk About Bruno’ is so funny because it’s kind of functionally the opposite of a villain song: not an evil person singing about how rad they are, but a bunch of characters performing a diss track for a guy who didn’t do anything wrong
It would be kinda look like this. Bruno would sneak out sometimes and steal gather fabrics, blankets, pillows, and other decorations to create Mirabel’s bed. Of course, the fabrics would be her favorite colors, the decor would be reminiscent of her interests, etc.
Mirabel’s bed looks like an altar because Bruno brought in tons of candles and decorated that little corner with them. It is the only place in Bruno’s room where there’s light. (Of course, he didn’t have those statues behind the candle.)
I wanted to give off the idea that Bruno has been preparing for Mirabel’s visit since the night he got a vision and made this altar bed so that she can be comfortable. Also, the bed is very symbolic – Bruno not only loves his niece but “worships” her. He respects Mirabel deeply and he believes her to be the angel that will bring justice and shed light into his darkness.