Something I see Bruno doing with his family after the house is rebuilt!!
Him and Antonio would get all of their animal friends together, having a huge animal party pretty much. The rats would go between acting out story’s that Bruno told or nibbling on the food that was around. Were Antonio animal friends would be flying around or laying around him and his tio, watching the rat show.
With Camilo I can see Bruno taking him a bit from the house waiting for the perfect moment that Dolores was busy. He would pull out an old notebook, giving Camilo a shy smile before handing the book over. Camilo would be the one he would pass his old tricks and safe pranks to and of course tio Bruno would show Camilo that they still work even now. (But Bruno does keep his best ones to himself. He needs to make sure Camilo is ready for best Bruno pranks.)
With Dolores things would be more simple and relaxing. He would thank her for not telling anyone were he was hiding when he was living in the walls. Knowing how sometimes loud sounds still get to her even to this day. They would sit in her room simple reading and having conversations about books to life.
Isabela would be doing most of the talking, I don’t mean that in any way but excited. She would be showing Bruno of all the plants she could grow. She would somehow get Bruno to dance with the family like old times. Surprising Bruno dances better then most only to stop when everyone is staring. Isabela would smile and distracted him to forget everything but listening to the music just as he did for her as a child.
I can see Luisa and Bruno going off to were the donkeys graze so she could relax. He would show her how to make her own story’s so if she ever wanted to. I see Bruno trying to teach her to relax only to have it turned on him. The would both just lay back in the grass cloud watching till it was time to go home. Once dinner was done he would tell her stories of the stars in the sky.
With Felix and Agustin would pick Bruno up by the arms and pull him away from Casa. Now this is were poor Bruno regrets everything. They spend half the time running away from the bees chasing Agustin. (Having to go home to get some of Juliet’s food real quick.) Then the other half of the time Felix dragged them to a party that was happening at one of his friends house. Poor Bruno had to be coaxed out of the walls.
Juliet and Pepa would pull Bruno into the kitchen just like when they were all kids. They would all sit around the table just talking and telling jokes as if kids again. They would catch Bruno up on some of the things he had missed outside the walls. They would show him pictures of moments they thought he missed only for him to tell them he was there just in the walls. Bruno would then get more hugs from his sisters then he had in a while.
Alma and him would be a little bit more tense in the beginning of them spending time with each other. But things would be fine in no time, they would spend time each day drinking tea and talking. Alma is just happy to have her family back together.
Mirabel would be the one to coax Bruno to spend time outside of Casa. She just wants her tio Bruno to be happy, after hearing her mama and grandmother talking about someone he used to spend time with. She would bug him tell he told her stories of his childhood so she could figure out who this mystery person was. They both enjoy just spending time together.
When Bruno finally got a minute to breathe to himself. He walks into town taking a path he had taken many times before. He comes up to a green door, slowly raising his hand to knock. Taking a deep breath he knocks three times, he quickly pulled out the salt and surger he brought throwing them over his shoulders. As the door opens he hears his named whispered as if the voice couldn’t believe what they was seeing. Soon after he was pulled into a tight hug and the words I missed you whispered into his ear.
Dolores: Synonyms are weird because if you invite someone to your cottage in the forest, that just sounds nice and cozy. But if you invite someone to your cabin in the forest, you’re going to die
Camilo: my favourite is ‘butt dial’ versus ‘booty call’
Mirabel: that’s called a connotation
Isabela: Also, “forgive me, father, I have sinned” versus “sorry daddy, I’ve been naughty”
• Isabela freaks tf out after realizing she’s just as powerful as Luisa would be. Cue her running to her mom and Alma. She was more than worried that she’s wouldn’t be seen as perfect anymore. Extremely mad she can’t swing on vines anymore, she actually has to walk, like…ew🙄
• Luisa has it the worst. *Panik* she starts shape shifting at random times. Its kinda funny. Maribel has a good laugh cause it doesn’t effect her. Meanwhile Luisa sprinting to Alma while looking….like Alma👹
• Julieta is just * confused mom noises * she noticed that her powers weren’t working…like at ALL. So she panics a bit and heads to speak to Alma about it. Sure nuff’ the powers have been swapped. She now sees the future and has a mental breakdown- but doesn’t panic too much because she does see everything going back to normal soon.
• Pepa didn’t really care (icon.) Because I’m sure that having your mood effect the weather can be troublesome. But she did care when all of a sudden Delores was like “I can’t hear shit” and Antonio was like “I can’t talk to animals anymore 🙁 ” and Camilo was chill. Catch Camilo swinging like spider man. Everyone was shocked to find that Antonio now had Julieta’s power and Delores had her brothers power and could talk to animals. She didn’t like it very much. Imagine Antonio making a batch of cookies (with Julieta of course) for someone who was injured
• Bruno can now hear everything everyone says about him. Unbothered king is gonna sit there listening to allllll the tea 🍵 since he hears everything he’s probably gonna use it to troll others the same way he did with his original powers.
I didn’t see anything about this online, so I went through the movie and managed to map out the house as best I could. Keep in mind that the bedroom sizes aren’t accurate since they are magic.
If you care to read some very in-depth analysis about this house, check out everything under the cut