Antonio: singing a nursery rhyme slow and quiet really scares people. Specially when they’re alone
Antonio: and everyone reacts differently. Mama would slowly rain, papa would try to pretend nothing’s wrong, tia Julieta would freeze, tio Agustín would try to karate shop the air, tio Bruno would put on his hoodie and continue doing what he’s doing, and Abuela would pray
Antonio: Camilo would look back and forth shouting “I AM NOT AFRAID, BEETLEJUICE!”, Hermana would walk fast to where it’s less dark, Mirabel would drop whatever she’s doing and start running, Isabela would pretend like there’s nothing wrong and then later offer me to use her shampoo if I agree to stop, and Luisa would try to act brave
(I wanted to write some cute dialogue using spanish words, but I’m so terrified of messing up meanings that I’ll just leave it to people who can speak spanish.)
I don’t usually draw babies, infact I think this was my first one ever. But I ain’t gonna lie, uncle Bruno and baby Mirabel kinda steal my heart.
At first he would propably be really anxious because he already has that rep as being the bad luck-Bruno, and maybe fear that she would be scared of him. But after a while she would just steal his heart and he would start making up songs about how cute she is and give her all sorts of petnames. I’ve been reading so many fanfics guys, gotta pour it out somehow.
I must have said it in the past but ama repeat it again bcuz im a broken record but for me a father’s love is one of the most beautiful thing in the world and that’s why bruno resonated a lot ahh 😭😭😭 imo the moment he got donut-ed giorno lost… In the sense of bruno was the golden wind too u know they were the golden wind together and at the end gio is like… the golden breeze bwhahaaaajjskdf jokes aside i love giooo and he did amaZING but without bruno… It feels like winning the void… Anywayyy i finally finished this comic I started like ajskx who knows how longggg ago and I can… Just keep on crying and crying uwaaah 😭😭😭 anyway have a beautiful day and remember u are loved! I still gotta clean all this mess and chaos on Twitter 😭😭😭
if encanto wasn’t made by disney and had freedom to swear and such, i am 100% sure that ;
camilo would not stop making ‘your mom’ jokes. he’s constantly laughing at the word ‘penis’ and any variation of it. he would most definitely make gay jokes.
mirabel would say fuck a lot. and shit. and laugh at camilos jokes. she’d call camilo a dumbass and call isabella a bitch. she’d swear the most.
dolores doesn’t swear, and when she does it’s a quiet “shit” because something went wrong
luisa would reprimand people for swearing in front of antonio and would say “frick” and “heck” instead
isabella would do the thing where she swears and then pretends like she would never say such a thing when adults are around
antonio would go >:( hey that’s a bad word
pepa would swear when she’s not clear skies and would say “what the hell?” or “damn it.”
felix would go “hEy Don’t swear in front of the kids, it’s a bad influence.” but ultimately has the same humor as camilo. he laughs when camilo says something but then snaps out of it and goes “HAHAH- hey. watch your language.”
i think that agustin wouldn’t swear and neither would julieta, just because they seem too nice to and they also want to be a good example (unless someone fucks with their kids)
abuela has never swore and she tried to ban it at some point but it didn’t work
bruno is definitely the *stubs toe* “OH FUCK” type of person