Mirabel: What if the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything?
Isabela: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies.
Luisa: Socks are Feetie Heaties.
Antonio: Forks are Stabby Grabbies.
Camilo: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties.
Dolores: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies.
Bruno, annoyed: You are all Annoying Children.
The Madrigals going on a Cryptid Hunt with their s/o
Julieta: Brings snacks! Not taking it too seriously but is perfectly content to humor you. If you actually find the Cryptid, that’s when she gets nervous and will drag your butt right out of there.
Agustin: Is taking everything way too seriously. You can tell he’s trying to remain calm for your sake, but his hands are so clammy that you can tell he’s shitting bricks. If you find the Cryptid, he screams like a little girl.
Pepa: Accidentally makes it rain for the entire time because she’s nervous. Covers the entire area with fog because of her powers which just makes it worse. Jumps at any loud noises and accidentally electrocutes the Cryptid. Then she drags you out of there.
Felix: Not taking it too seriously but is also a little protective. Insists that nothing’s going to happen but is still clinging to you “in case something does”. If you find the Cryptid, he’ll get scared shitless. He’ll only stick around if you decide to investigate further because he doesn’t want to leave you alone.
Bruno: Is walking a fine line between pretending he’s on Buzzfeed Unsolved and jumping at literally every noise. This boy is sweating. If you find the Cryptid, he clings to you and is basically frozen in place, poor guy. Probably passes out too.
Isabela: She honestly doesn’t really care, but she’ll still be protective of you. Isabela is the one who’s calming everyone down and saying that there’s nothing here, so when you find the Cryptid she shrieks and starts throwing cacti at it. Refuses to admit she’s scared afterwards.
Luisa: She’s so protective and is getting very into it. Keeps insisting that she’s not scared at all. When you find the Cryptid she’ll straight up punch it from nerves and knock it out cold. And while you’re investigating it, she’s trying to get you to leave. She’ll throw you over her shoulder and get you out of there if she has to.
Mirabel: She’s totally on-board. You two are the ones leading the hunt, and you’re holding hands the whole time to ease your nerves. If you find the Cryptid she screams with a big smile on your face because on one hand you found it, but on the other hand she’s terrified. You are the two who investigate further haha
Dolores: Will absolutely use her hearing to help you out. Gets this scared look on her face when she starts to hear things and squeaks a lot. If you find the Cryptid, she squeaks really loud and goes to run behind something, probably you
Camilo: Also totally on-board. He’s making jokes to hide his nervousness, and he just kinda stares in disbelief if you actually find the Cryptid. Ends up screaming, shifting into like 12 different people and throwing you over his shoulder to leg it out of there.
Antonio: Really into it and surprisingly chill about the whole thing. Wants to see if he can talk to the Cryptid. He ends up having a lovely conversation with it and invites it over for dinner sometime before waving goodbye lol
Dolores: Croissants: dropped Luisa: Road: works ahead Isabela: BBQ sauce: on my titties Mirabel: Shavacado: fre Camilo: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead Bruno: Bruno: …I didn’t understand a single word of that.
I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this movie since I saw it, so I decided to do a list of colombian references that I loved being half colombian.
The coffee kid: in Colombia kids are given black coffee since they are like 5 years old, so I thought this detail was really fun to include (Btw, black coffee there is actually called tinto)
Common phrases/words: I saw the movie in spanish so I don’t really know which off these appear in every version, but I loved that they included the phrase “qui hubo” bc it’s such a common greeting there that not many know about. Also, It was really exciting to hear “bacano”, “parcero”, “de una” in a Disney movie 👌🏻
Food: I can’t express how much my mouth watered watching the film. The buñuelos. Ajiaco. Arroz atollado. Empanadas. And the arepas made me sooo hungry, and made me miss Colombia even more. (If you have never tried any of these, you’re missing out on excelent culinary 👀)
The sombrero vueltiao: aaah the little kid wearing it was so adorable. This hat is really traditional and representative (idk if that’s how you say it), so I was kinda pissed off that none of the Madrigals’ wore one. But least half of the background characters had one to make up for it.
Pointing with the mouth: and finally my personal favorite… Mirabel POINTING WITH HER MOUTH when she gives Antonio his present 👌🏻👌🏻 This is such a weird, funny and unic trait that colombians have. My dad and me make fun of this sometimes so it was cool to see other people picked up on it, bc it’s something easily unnoticeable.
Anyway, go watch this movie, the message is really nice, the music is catchy and the representation is 10/10