I want all of the Madrigal Kids to have the most cracked sense of humor possible
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When Bruno used to live in the walls, sometimes at dinner Camilo would say something absolutely stupid and Dolores would look straight at the family portrait with a deadpan face like in The Office and it would scare the shit out of Bruno every time
Camilo unironically quotes vines at the worst of times and everytime he does one of his cousins or Dolores threatens to abandon him in the woods
Camilo once had a breakdown about his identity and not feeling like himself and wouldn’t stop quoting “You either die or get killed, whatchu gon do?” And was not left alone for 2 weeks
Any of the “PATRICIA!!!” vines are constantly used to torment Dolores.
Isabella once, jokingly of course but I feel like her brand of jokes are dry, said to Camilo after he pranked her “You’re a disappointment.” And he snapped back “Oh my god, are you kinning Abuela now?” Isabella started wheezing immediately
Sometimes Bruno goes back into the walls and when he does- and all their parents are gone – the kids will grab plates full of food and random candles and make an sacrifice circle to “The Ratman” and the sacrifice is always Camilo and everytime Bruno leaves the walls to see them doing this he goes right back in. He’ll never admit he thinks it’s kind of cute that they think of him and remind him to eat even if it’s in strange ways
Camilo and Mirabel have climbed into trees together to jump on branches and sing The Lion Sleeps Tonight multiple times and each time they do they fall and break something
Antonio got sick once and mistook Dolores for Pepa and her instinctual reaction was to say “Do I Look Like-” before remembering that normal people don’t quote vines to 5 year olds
Antonio will purposely roam around the house with more weirder looking animals at night to scare Camilo after he goes too far with a prank. There’s at least one photo Mirabel has that she took of Camilo bolting while Antonio shares a cookie with an alligator in the kitchen
Luisa firmly believes in “It’s my mental breakdown I get to choose the music” and it’s always KK Bubblegum. Mirabel and Isabella lose their minds trying to comfort her and not laugh as the song plays for the 5 time in a row