In my fic, Bruno’s Catholicism plays a major role in how he navigates his life and how he tries to connect with his community in a way that’s different than just using his gift. He loves that when he attends Mass, they are all equal under the eyes of God, and he feels the Madrigal pressures lift away.
I headcanon that after his disappearance, they painted the doors and shutters green in remembrance of him.
Horses are born with soft, rubbery protuberances from their hooves called the “eponychium.” Sometimes referred to as “golden slippers” or “fairy fingers,” they serve to protect the uterine walls and birth canal from the sharp edges of the hooves during gestation and birth. They quickly dry out and flake off once the foal is out and walking, before which they are utterly fucking horrifying to behold.
I don’t know if it’s my “favorite” horse fact, but it’s right up there with “The Bean” for things I wish I could unlearn about horses.