Julieta: Only when something she’s cooking is burning or if she hurt herself in the kitchen. Strongly discourages everyone from swearing tho.
Pepa: “Who the FUCK taught Camilo swears???” She swears all the time, but discourages it like Julieta.
Bruno: He would swear and then curse himself for swearing AND THEN curse himself for swearing while cursing himself for swearing. It’s a vicious cycle.
Augstín: “Do as I say, not as I do” type of father. This man is so accident prone it’s unrealistic that he wouldn’t swear being hurt.
Félix: Balances out his family by never swearing. The only good influence in his cuss-ridden family.
Isabela: She didn’t before, but she does now. She deserves to say fuck.
Delores: Tiniest little “oh fuck!!” You’ve ever heard. She doesn’t like to swear, but she is still Pepa’s child.
Luisa: Would never. Idk why but I can never see her swearing. The image is foreign.
Camilo: Awful little child would swear constantly. They would give parents heart attacks by shifting into their children and swearing. Their first word was probably a swear.
Mirabel: Does in fact swear, but apologizes for it like Bruno does. When she’s real pissed tho, she’ll cuss like crazy with no remorse (until later ofc).
Antonio: Absolutely fucking not. Camilo taught him to say fuck once and everyone simultaneously had heart attacks. Pepa fainted.
[image description: A three-panel comic of Bruno Madrigal and his nieces and nephews watching a fake telenovela. Image one shows Bruno sitting in his armchair. Antonio and a little rat sit in Bruno’s lap, Camilo and Mirabel sit on the armrests, Isabela and Dolores lean against the sides, and Luisa rests against the back of the chair. Bruno throws out a hand and says, “Ugh, I hate cliffhangers!” The second image shows a cardboard picture on a small stage that vaguely looks like the poster for “Yo soy Betty, la fea”, except with two face holes that have little rats poking out. The third image shows all the kids silently look sidelong at Bruno, who’s too engrossed in the “show”.]