5. Pepa not being allowed to feel anything ever on pain of scolding. She is FIFTY I can’t IMAGINE poor baby Pepa’s emotions being treated with the same annoyance =’(
4. Alma was a traumatically widowed single mother of THREE shoved into the position of default authority in a community she felt a responsibility to like give the woman a nap no wonder she’s wound tighter then a spring FIFTY YEARS LATER she hasn’t taken a breath in decades
3. ‘Give it to your sister and never wonder if the same pressure would have pulled you under’ HELLO??
2. Dolores…when they’re looking for mirabel after looking her powers….and she puts her hand to her ear to listen for her….and her face crumpled like wet paper aaaahh
1. Bruno’s plate drawn onto that slab of wood….sorry I’m basic this broke me
Antonio probably feels excessively endeared to his tío Bruno, because when the rats “told him everything,” they probably gave him what is likely the greatest, glowing, 5-star review possible in a squeaky speedrun of joyful infodumping about their favorite human. They probably spent the whole time just gushing over how great he is and how well he takes care of them, and I think this is why Antonio wears that shy, but knowing smile on his face when he looks at Bruno from then on out. Because how can he NOT smile and feel close to him after hearing from so many animals about how much they love him??? I cry