Like was I just suppose to find that you on a Tik Tok comment section because that’s exactly what happened.
Can ya’ll imagine? The difference?
Alma buried her pain and strive for perfection. But I can totally see Pedro being incredibly overprotective of the whole family to the point where he’d become a helicopter parent?
Imagine Pedro adoring all three his children with his soul and wanting to keep them close while also wanting them to be able to take care of themselves.
I came up with a few ideas:
- Like with Alma it was more about wanting her family to be completely perfect and how they could be useful to help their village and she loses sight of what she was doing it all for.
- But with Pedro, it’s more that he wants them to be able to protect themselves, he wants them to be perfect but not to fit his expectations but mainly because he doesn’t want them to lose them like he lost Alma. He’s terrified. And he also wants to help the people, the villagers that were there for him and whom got through the grief of losing Alma.
- So he picks and choices who’s gift he knows would be able to protect their family the best.
- With Pepa he knows her powers can be dangerous so not only does he try to keep her calm like Alma did but he also takes her away, (sing to her, rock her, make her laugh, anything he could think of that would calm her down) from Bruno and Julieta because he doesn’t want the off chance they’d get hurt.
- With Julieta and Bruno he’s focused more than on but knowing they have their limits. With Julieta he tells her that a lot of people need her to heal them, which she more than happily does and with Bruno, he’s constantly asking Bruno to see into the future so they can prepare for any natural disasters.
And when the grandkids pop up.
- Pedro being the respectful man he is did not ask Dolores to eavesdrop on others but there being able to hear things, such as dangerous animals or possible intruders from a distance. Which doesn’t sound like a bad thing until she started staying up until the late hours, always on alert
- With Luisa Pedro did put less pressure on Isa, wanting her to be perfect and giving that to Luisa. Her gift being super strengthen a light bulb went off in his head and he knew Luisa would be able to keep them safe. And he’d never have to worry about losing his loved ones ever again.
- Even though Isabella did not having to be the symbol of perfection now that doesn’t mean she didn’t have her role. Her role was to make everyone happy. She had to disregard her own feelings and make everyone smile. Which actually wasn’t something Pedro told her to do but more so of her own desire to be useful. She would conjure up Alma’s favorite flowers to make her Abuelo feel better and in turn everyone else.
- With Camilo (this one is actually kinda interesting) he was instructed to help families grieve, or at least start the grieving process by shifting into the own who’s passed so that some could say a final goodbye. Because like with Isa once time Camilo decided to shift into Abuela when Pedro had been having a bad day and promotly broke down into tears, holding Camilo as if the boy was his long passed beloved.
- With Antonio. His is actually still new, so he hasn’t really figured out how Antonio’s could help protect everyone. Honestly the dangerous animals his grandson can talk to actually put him on edge. Knowing that Antonio can talk to them honestly doesn’t make him feel any better
- And finally with Mirabel. I described Pedro as being a helicopter parent before, like the man is terrified with unresolved trauma about losing his babies like he lost Alma but he’s worse when it comes to Mirabel. When she didn’t get her gift he nearly had a heart attack, not because he was scared about the Madrigal reputation but more “how is she going to be able to protect herself without a gift?” He begs Bruno to see into the future after that, and again, not even to figure out why but more asking Bruno to see what they could do to protect her, if she was in any danger they could prevent.
- And then Bruno disappears. And Pedro nearly goes sick from worry.
- And he clings to his family even tighter, his fear of losing them worsening and his fear of something happening to Mirabel growing. He instructs Julieta to always have food at the ready in case. Instructs Luisa to be Mirabel’s body guard.
- In fact he asks a bunch of people to treat Mirabel with care. Essentially seeing his granddaughter as this doll made of the finest glass.
- When the Casita falls Pedro instinctively goes to protect everyone inside and is actually running alongside Julieta after Mirabel when the Casita starts being pushing them all back
- When Bruno does eventually come back he does the same exact thing that Alma does but much more emotionally. Like he actually drops to his knees cause he’s filled with relief. He doesn’t care that Bruno disappeared, doesn’t care why, all he’s feeling in that moment is guilt and joy that his son is alive.
That’s all I got so far but I really like the concept of Pedro being the one left alive. So many things could play out differently. But ultimately everything is resolved exactly the same way. With love, forgiveness and understanding.